Test 7 - what „could“ be on the test 1. be able to fill in blanks with datives and accusatives (pronouns and nouns) in the right order and with correct endings (like in hardcopy) Ich gebe dem Lehrer das Buch.
Test 7 2. Know all dative verbs and prepositions and know how to use them, e.g. by filling in blanks (e.g. prepositions + articles/contractions) Ich studiere bei der Acadia Uni.
Test 7 3. Be able to construct scrambled sentences like in the homework: du/ schulden/ ich /Geld.
Test 7 form questions asking for dative object: Fritz wohnt bei seinem Bruder. Bei wem wohnt Fritz?
Test 7 Know standard dative expressions (formal and informal) Wie geht es dir? Es geht mir gut. Tut es dir leid?.... _____
Test 7 Verbal Nouns: Fill in the blanks: Wir treffen Lucy _____ (while shopping) beim Einkaufen.
Situations: Hardcopy Ex.11 Situations: will not be tested, but helpful practice for test. ***All answers to Kap7 Kursmaterial ACME NOTES: Kap7-Hardcopy-Antworten.doc***