Giansimone Perrino Tutor: Diego di Bernardo – co-Tutor: Mario di Bernardo XXIX Cycle - I year presentation Identification and Control of Gene Regulatory Networks
Background Giansimone Perrino 2 Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Master of Science in Automation Engineering – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II PhD Student in “Systems and Synthetic Biology Lab” of Diego di Bernardo at Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM) Fellowship provided by TIGEM
Problem Statement Giansimone Perrino 3 Idea: to use Control Engineering to regulate gene expression in eukaryotic cells
GAL1 promoter in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Giansimone Perrino 4
Controller Results Giansimone Perrino 5
Products Giansimone Perrino 6 One paper in submission: i.A comparative analysis of strategies for in-vivo real-time control of protein expression from endogenous and synthetic gene networks Gianfranco Fiore, Giansimone Perrino, Mario di Bernardo, Diego di Bernardo ACS Synthetic Biology In Preparation
Next years Giansimone Perrino 7 Stochastic modeling and control of biological processes
… Giansimone Perrino 8
GAL1p control: in-silico experiments Giansimone Perrino 9
GAL1p control: in-vivo experiments Giansimone Perrino 10
Why? Giansimone Perrino 11 To be able to quantitavely assess the behaviour of living systems using an engineering approach. I.e. which concentration of a-synuclein is needed for aggregate formation in vivo? Right now in molecular biology, genes can only be induced to be ON or OFF but no fine regulation is possible.