Bonjour et Bienvenue!! Les Places
Nos Buts (goals) Know classroom rules and routines Receive classroom material and fill out forms Know how to spell your French name Be able to ask someone their name Be able to tell your name
Je m’appelle Mme McCoy Nous avons un student teacher qui s’appelle Mlle Allen.
La Classe de Français 1 Les règles Les notes Devoirs (homework) Quizzes Tests / Projects Participation 2 points a day – Be Present,Sspeak French, Have Supplies! Supplies Paper, writing utensil, homework, dry erase marker (optional), anything specific for that day.
Tu t’appelles comment? Les prénoms Choisis un nom Cartes (decorate) Baton (include 1 adjective and 1 noun) Livres (fill out book list – be specific)!
Tu t’appelles comment? Je m’appelle...
Devoirs Complete Papers Extra credit Bring in a picture