Let’s enjoy stories Session 2 Takeaway Notes
Let’s enjoy stories - Session 2 Les quatre saisons - recap au printemps – in spring en été – in summer en automne – in autumn en hiver – in winter
Les sports – recap il/elle joue au foot – he/she is playing football il/elle joue au tennis – he/she is playing tennis il/elle joue au rugby – he/she is playing rugby il/elle joue au golf – he/she is playing golf il/elle joue au pingpong – he/she is playing table tennis il/elle joue au hockey – he/she is playing hockey il/elle joue à la Wii – he/she is playing on the Wii
Les adjectifs paresseux – lazy ennuyeux – boring boueux – muddy dangereux– dangerous fatigant –tiring difficile – difficult facile – easy
Phonics focus eux – silent x, eu as in deux, neuf ennuyeux – en as in en suite, and uy makes a sound like ‘we’ fatigant – an as in en suite difficile, facile – all the ‘i’s are pronounced like ‘ee’
Teaching Tips Ask the class to repeat new language after you (Regardez, écoutez et répétez!). Sometimes make them hold it in their heads for five seconds before saying it out loud. Practise the adjectives with actions agreed with your class. Say the new words in different voices e.g, quietly, loud, squeaky, fast, slow for a couple of minutes before play/lunch time/end of day
Do one thing! How you can practise the new language Practise the new language and sounds using the PowerPoint handout and actions Play the games (in the car/shower/with friends and family) practising different commands
What you can do with your class Ask the children to repeat after you (Regardez, écoutez, répétez!) Ask children to say an adjective when answering the register Practise during the week when you have a spare couple of minutes using flashcards or actions as prompts and to show understanding
Classroom Routine Greet the class in French ‘Bonjour’ ‘Au revoir’ Ask them to respond to the register in French ‘Bonjour Madame…/Monsieur… Use numbers, weather, names of sports, adjectives and the seasons in French as often as you can.
Ensemble Languages Project, for the Ensemble Languages Project, Ensemble_Let ’ s Enjoy Stories Session 2 Takeaway Notes This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License: