French 1: Chapter 1 All the exercices!
Exercice 1: greetings Take turns saying hello and goodbye to those seated near you.
Exercice 2: Ca va?
Exercice 3: présente-toi! Tell us your name Tell us your age
Exercice 4: Find the word that does not belong #1 le ski le vélo la plage
Exercice 4: Find the word that does not belong #2 les maths le français les magasins
Exercice 4: Find the word that does not belong #3 le football américain les frites les hamburgers
Exercice 4: Find the word that does not belong #4 la glace le chocolat les escargots
Exercice 5: pop quiz! Vrai ou Faux? (true or False?) 1.“To have” is an example of an English infinitive. 2.Infinitives are verbs that have been conjugated. 3.Conjugating a verb means that it will change. 4. French has 10 subject pronouns. 5.“To like” is an example of a subject pronoun. 6.When conjugating aimer, take off the –mer. 7.The ending for je is “-es.” 8.Il, elle, and on all share a verb conjugation. 9.Vous means “we.” 10.Elles means “she.”
EXERCICE 6: CONJUGATING / téléphoner: 2.tu / organiser: 3.elle / inviter: / dîner: 5.nous / arriver: 6.vous / adorer: 7.ils / apprécier: 8.elles / répéter:
Exercice 7: les verbes 1.We like to swim. 2.She talks on the phone. 3.He is studying. 4.They (masculine) likes to read. 5.You (plural) travel.
Exercice 7: les verbes 6. You (informal / singular) like to sleep. 7. I dance. 8. She likes to go out with friends. 9. He likes to watch TV.
Exercice 8: negatif 1.I don’t like math. 2.We don’t like snails. 3.He doesn’t like tests. 4.You (informal) don’t like ice cream. 5.They (masculine) don’t like soccer.
Exercice 9: aimer + verbes 1.I like to dance. 2.He likes to swim. 3.She likes to study. 4.We like to listen to music. 5.You guys like to read.