Easter Ostern Пасха
Easter comes in spring (in March or April). It is a religious celebration and Easter comes in spring (in March or April). It is a religious celebration and lasts for a week.
This holiday dedicates to Jesus Christ resurrection (воскрешению Иисуса Христа)
1 Jesus wird zum Tode verurteilt Jesus nimmt das Kreuz auf sich. 3 Jesus fällt zum ersten Mal unter dem Kreuz Jesus begegnet seiner betrübten Mutter 5 Simon von Cyrene hilft Jesus das Kreuz tragen 6 Jesus wird ans Kreuz genagelt 7 Jesus stirbt am Kreuze 8 Auferstehung
The three most important days are : Grosser Donnerstag Maundy Thursday (Великий четверг) Gut Freitag Good Friday (Страстная пятница) Ostern Sonntag Easter Sunday (Пасхальное воскресенье)
On Maundy Thursday the king or a queen of England gives money to poor people. The tradition is very old.
Am Gut Freitag essen die Menschen Fisch anstatt Fleisch. They also eat special hot cakes with a cross on the top. They call these cakes hot cross buns.
On Easter Sunday people eat a traditional roast dinner with lamb, potatoes and vegetables. They also give each other chocolate Easter eggs.
Simnel cake
Easter Symbols Ostern Symbols Eier (Eggs) Hats (bonnets) Kreuz (The Cross) Hase (Bunny) Kücken (Chicken)
Easter Tree Ostern Baum
Easter Gardens Ostern Garten
Easter Bonnets
Children like Easter very much because it is a tasty holiday. All the families colour eggs and put them into green, yellow and pink baskets. Next morning children are busy with hunting eggs and chocolate bunnies. They play funny games and sing Easter songs.
The Game “Eggs Rolling”
Spiel “Kücken Laufen”
The Game Bunny`s Flight
Easter Song
Ostern Lied
Match: Der HaseВеликий четверг bonnetПасхальный кролик Ostern SonntagСтрастная пятница Hot cross bunПасхальная шляпка Ostern EierГорячая пасхальная булочка Maundy Thursdayяйцо Gut FreitagПасхальное воскресенье
Creative Work Kreative Arbeit
We live in Russia. So we are Russian and orthodox (православные) people. Our Easter will be soon. We congratulate you on this holy and light day! We wish you to meet it with joy and hope! Happy Ester !
- Христос Воскресе - Воистину воскрес - Christ is risen - Jesus ist geboren - He is risen indeed - Er ist immer geboren