Applications Area Issues RWL Jones Deployment Team – 2 nd June 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Applications Area Issues RWL Jones Deployment Team – 2 nd June 2005

General operational issues Interoperability still an issue for future and running experiments –CDF are now planning to use SAM-classic Clearly going to be SAM-only resources for some time –Will need specific support – from experiment? –Integrate accounting –Multiple file catalogues in multiple Grids is a real issue ‘minimal functionality with maximum error propagation’ Model for catalogues varies greatly between experiments V O Services –Documentation on VO creation better? –VOMS now an experiment priority Must be integrated into all aspects Quotas by role/group Monitoring by role/group Need for at least three attributes (e.g. role/group/region) 64-bit support will very soon be an issue for the experiments

Data Movement Data management is still a very big issue Most job failures are DM failures –lcg-gt: crashes if SE or BDII is down –lcg-cp: hangs if there is a time-out –lcg-cr: also hangs, and can leave catalogue in an inconsistent state Bulk transfer tools needed ‘yesterday’ Will we have multiple FTS, and for how long? –Vital we have a storage/SRM for small files as well as large files, at all Tiers

Storage Storage technologies and access patterns –Needs to be known by experiments and by Tiers HEPiX/GDB group to assess this RJ to chair, AS will be invited dCache –ATLAS had some issues concerning usability of BNL dCache SRM with tape As much a problem on the experiment side? (My ignorance) Experiment requirement documents on aspects like this still lacking Castor –Access via Castor grid not unacceptable for production ATLAS kill the system with 7000 transfers a day –An issue if people are adopting it SE stability is becoming a problem

LCG Service Issues Services –Network bottlenecks/server overload Too many connection to the same SE –RLS down Cannot handle large loads –Unknown cause –Jabber server down Slows things, does not loose jobs

WMS Entry in BDII is now configurable –This adds more sites to the experiment BDII Some improvement in LCG submission However, LCG submission still painfully slow –ATLAS adding second submission method (Condor-G) almost doubled the throughput Clearly not saturating resources! –Job submission slows if too many CEs present in the BDII

Integration of Service Challenges Service challenges –Experiment planning at differing stages of readiness Still a need for more planning Late appearance of FTS etc is difficult for experiment planning –Network provisioning is an issue –Monitoring tools still needed PR demonstrator evolving Tools for real work still under discussion

Lancs/ATLAS SC3 Plan TaskStart DateEnd DateResource Demonstrate sustained data transfer (T0-T1-T2) Integrate Don Quixote tools into SC infrastructureMon 27/06/05Fri 16/09/05BD,ATLAS Provision of end-to-end conn (T0-T1) Test basic data movement (CERN-UK)Mon 04/07/05Fri 29/07/05BD,MD,ATLAS,RAL Review of bottlenecks and required actionsMon 01/08/05Fri 16/09/05BD, ATLAS, RAL ATLAS Service Challenge 3 (Service Phase)Mon 19/09/05Fri 18/11/05BD, ATLAS, RAL Review of bottlenecks and required actionsMon 21/11/05Fri 27/01/06BD, ATLAS, RAL Optimisation of networkMon 30/01/06Fri 31/03/06BD,MD,BG,NP, RAL Test of data transfer rates (CERN-UK)Mon 03/04/06Fri 28/04/06BD,MD, ATLAS, RAL Review of bottlenecks and required actionsMon 01/05/06Fri 26/05/06BD, ATLAS, RAL Optimisation of networkMon 29/05/06Fri 30/06/06BD,MD,BG,NP, RAL Test of data transfer rates (CERN-UK)Mon 03/07/06Fri 28/07/06BD,MD, ATLAS, RAL Review of bottlenecks and required actionsMon 31/07/06Fri 15/09/06BD, ATLAS, RAL Plan organised through end of SC3 into SC4

Lancs/ATLAS SC3 Plan TaskStart DateEnd DateResource Optimisation of networkMon 18/09/06Fri 13/10/06BD,MD,BG,NP, RAL Test of data transfer rates (CERN-UK)Mon 16/10/06Fri 01/12/06BD,MD, ATLAS, RAL Provision of end-to-end conn. (T1-T2) Integrate Don Quixote tools into SC infrastructure at LANMon 19/09/05Fri 30/09/05BD Provision of memory-to-memory conn. (RAL-LAN)Tue 29/03/05Fri 13/05/05UKERNA,BD,BG,NP, RAL Provision and Commission of LAN h/wTue 29/03/05Fri 10/06/05BD,BG,NP Installation of LAN dCache SRMMon 13/06/05Fri 01/07/05MD,BD Test basic data movement (RAL-LAN)Mon 04/07/05Fri 29/07/05BD,MD,ATLAS, RAL Review of bottlenecks and required actionsMon 01/08/05Fri 16/09/05BD [SC3 – Service Phase] Review of bottlenecks and required actionsMon 21/11/05Fri 27/01/06BD Optimisation of networkMon 30/01/06Fri 31/03/06BD,MD,BG,NP Test of data transfer rates (RAL-LAN)Mon 03/04/06Fri 28/04/06BD,MD, Review of bottlenecks and required actionsMon 01/05/06Fri 26/05/06BD

Lancs/ATLAS SC3 Plan TaskStart DateEnd DateResource Optimisation of networkMon 29/05/06Fri 30/06/06BD,MD,BG,NP Test of data transfer rates (RAL-LAN)Mon 03/07/06Fri 28/07/06BD,MD Review of bottlenecks and required actionsMon 31/07/06Fri 15/09/06BD Optimisation of networkMon 18/09/06Fri 13/10/06BD,MD,BG,NP Test of data transfer rates (RAL-LAN)Mon 16/10/06Fri 01/12/06BD,MD

Resource Planning This is more of the PMB/CB/T1 Board issue –The UK resources are understood by all to be in adequate in 2007 –New and more worrying is the CERN intention to cut the T0 and T1AF resources This is to cover the missing effort (which is already committed)