HAZLO AHORA DAY # 43 Pick up handout Please have your homework out- I am going to come around and collect it Copy, Translate in english and then answer each question in spanish 1. ¿Qué quieres hacer( to do) cuando hace calor? 2. ¿Qué tienes para almuerzo (lunch)? 3. ¿Quién en tu familia tiene un gato? 4. ¿Qué quieres hacer cuando llueve? You have 8 minutes to complete this- 2 minutes per question…
TAREA- FLASH CARDS Create flash card for this week’s vocabulary Spanish on one side and english on the other
TRABAJOS DE CLASE 1 st Bancario Acey Ayudante general Daija and Raul Generante de asistencia Kayla 2nd Bancario Ish’mi-el Ayudante general Mauresha and Ashley Generante de asistencia Kirkland 4th Bancario Jahmal Ayudante general Joy, Deandre Generante de asistencia John
MEZCLA… Game Rules Game host will select 5 vocabulary cards and place them on the board so that their words are showing. Then Game host will Flip each card over so that the vocabulary side is not showing Watch closely as the host moves the cards (you will change what order the cards are in). Try to remember what was on each card and where the cards are now. The class writes what s/he thinks is on each card (spanish translation) If the player was correct, then s/he wins a point for that vocabulary card a total of five possible points per round. If the first card they wrote down is answered correctly, the player must stop counting points. Keep track of your points because at the end of the allotted time, the player with the most points wins!
INFINITIVES To listen To watch To study To play To practice To go To read To have To dance To sing
MEZCLA… Game Rules Game host will select 5 vocabulary cards and place them on the board so that their words are showing. Then Game host will Flip each card over so that the vocabulary side is not showing Watch closely as the host moves the cards (you will change what order the cards are in). Try to remember what was on each card and where the cards are now. The class writes what s/he thinks is on each card (spanish translation) If the player was correct, then s/he wins a point for that vocabulary card a total of five possible points per round. If the first card they wrote down is answered correctly, the player must stop counting points. Keep track of your points because at the end of the allotted time, the player with the most points wins!
VAMOS A LEER Y DIBUJAR En grupos vamos a leer cada párrafo y después vamos a dibujar sobre el párrafo. Necesitas dibujar una foto que representa todo que pasó en el párrafo con detalles. No necesitas ser una artista, pero necesitas hacer lo mejor que puedes.