The Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses (hippy dude!) ch?v=mlK3ZgGFpTU
Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses Adjectives are words that modify a noun. Examples of adjectives are: the new hat, the pretty dress. An entire clause may serve an adjectival purpose, describing a noun or pronoun —the antecedent— in a sentence, for example: 1. Do you have a dress which will go with these shoes? 2. Yes, I have a dress which is perfect. 3. I don't see any dress (that) I like.
Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses Note that in all three examples above, there is an adjectival clause (the part in bold) that modifies or refers back to the word dress. That is, the antecedent in all three cases is dress.
But in each case the situation is different: in #1, the antecedent is indefinite (uncertain), that is, we don't know if such a dress exists; Do you have a dress which will go with these shoes? Tienes un vestido que vaya con estos zapatos?
In number two, the antecedent is definite, that is, it definitely is portrayed as existing; Yes, I have a dress which is perfect. Si, tengo un vestido que es perfecto
In number three, the antecedent is negated, that is, its existence is denied or at least doubtful. I don't see any dress (that) I like. No veo ningun vestido que me guste.
Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses If you don´t have a specific person or thing in mind, or if you are not sure the person exists, you use the subjunctive. Sometimes cualquier(a) is used in these expressions.
Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses You also use the subjunctive in an adjective clause when it describes a negative word such as nadie, nada, or ninguno(a) to say that something may not exist or definitely does not exist. a The personal a is maintained before nadie and alguien, even if their existence is uncertain.
Subjunctive in Adjective Clauses Busco un libro que tenga un artículo sobre los mayas. Escoge cualquier cosa que te guste. Quiero una computadora portátil que no cueste mucho. No conozco a nadie que quiera trabajar de gratis