English Homeworks De de Febrero 2015 The value of the month is: Friendship “A friend is the best treasure’’
Primero de primaria Teacher: Miguel Ángel Cedillos.
Segundo ‘A’ Y ‘B’ de primaria Maestra: Yazmin Carrera In the spring In the summer In the fall In the winter
Tercero de primaria Teacher: Pablo Adrián Ángeles Guaderrama Riverville 1610Riverville 1940 There _____ canoes.There _____ any bears. There _____ any pollution.There _____ cars. There _____ clean water.There _____ any canoes.
Cuarto de primaria Teacher: Pablo Adrián Ángeles Guaderrama
Quinto de primaria Teacher: Miguel Ángel Cedillos.
Sexto de primaria Teacher: Miguel Ángel Cedillos PlacesServices Mechanic´ s Have oil change Optician´sHave eyes checked