Proposal of Flexicurity device implementation The context: Major impact of the season Some main occupational branches programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 1
Some key issues to look at on our specific territory Focus on pluryactivity in order to increase employment with the use of recognized skills, Build up a career with the needs of several employers of the same professionnal environment programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 2
How to organize secured careers Assessment of skills Certification of acquired skills from professional experiences Skills that still need to be gained through training courses How to deal with professional and institutional networks programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 3
The idea of this proposal is to implement a reliable long life assistance Qualification of competences within different work positions Agreement of new forms of employement Set up a platform to insure an individual follow up of careers relaying on local labor market needs programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 4
Let’s look at current work conditions Permanent contract: though it’s still the main french contract in term of standard, recognition and use, it’s fragilized due to the economic situation Fixed term contract are nowdays more and more commonly used There are more frequent unemployment periodes in between two contracts programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 5
Economic datas and specificities of our territory Four main professional sectors: tourism, caring jobs, agriculture and specificly oyster- farming Seasonal employment with some longer fixed- term contracts but mainly couple of months short-term contracts Differents jobs and needs on coast territory and inland programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 6
What about French legislation French legislation says that everyone owns an individual training accompt: this leads to the Individual Right for Training, feeded with hours that anyone gain when they’re working A new law (14/05/13) to secure employment a new frame to build lifelong learning programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 7
How to secure seasonal and precarious workers careers: device proposal Follow up of a 100 workers Will be set from september 2013 until december 2015 A 28 months maximum assistance for each one, alternating work periods and trainings It concerns 2 specific territories: - Marennes-Oléron - Pays Royannais programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 8
The set up of this device will include: Studying the needs of the territories Set up the needed professional and institutional networks Organize the training funding arrangments Work on shaping a modularized skills training Set up of the assisting network: counsellors, employment agents, information advisors Individual access to this device programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 10
But also… Set up a training device to train the trainers who will manage and develop the program Set up a quality follow up to insure the proper implementation and assessment of the program Appraisal of the program, relevance of the device : update and restart … programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 11
Analyse of the approach (oct. To dec. 2015) Appraisal of the device Relevance of the program Is it the proper answer to seasonal employment? How does a training centre take part of economic system with the need of qualification ? programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 12
This issue would not admit an easy answer… All economical framing datas show how significant are seasonal jobs and short term contracts Tourism institutions work on developping the touristic offer and services jobs : therefore, we need to focus on pluriactivity and qualification Could this program be the proper answer to secure careers of our seasonal and precarious workers? programme Léonardo Da Vinci PL1-LEO Projet 2012 : accompagner les formes atypiques de contrat de travail 13