Ana POLETTO Head of communications, CNRS/IN2P3 Overview of the "LHC restart" media coverage in France
Press coverage 3 EPPCN meeting on May -Good media coverage despite a restart on Easter Sunday. Late submission of the press release by the CNRS but journalists had already prepared their papers before the weekend. -There were very good articles and podcast in Le Monde, Le Figaro, Libération, France Inter (in “La tête au carré” of Mathieu Vidard) {Science²} (a blog of the newspaper Liberation). and next… We hope an higher impact in the local press during the first high-energy collisions and encourage our laboratories to more actively communicate at that time.
WEB and social networks EPPCN meeting on May The LHC-France website High rate of frequentation when the LHC was restarted. Twitter -Live tweet from Lison (cartoonist drawing about the LHC and paid by the CNRS and the CEA). -Live tweet from the IN2P3.
Exhibition « Le Grand collisionneur LHC » 3 25 laboratoires et plateformes 40 M€ budget annuel (hors salaires) EPPCN meeting on May Restarting the LHC was the opportunity to promote the LHC exhibition, the website experience-cern360, and the photo exhibition « Experts en la matière ».