What you should already know: To form Informal Affirmative (tú) command all you do is use the third person singular form of the verb in the present tense. Example : Escribir los apuntes = Escribe los apuntes
Pronoun Placement Object Pronouns (Reflexive, Direct & Indirect) are attached to the affirmative command. When you attach the pronoun place the accent three vowels back. Example: Escribe los apuntes = Escríbelos
Irregular Informal (tú) affirmative commands
Negative Infomal Commands To form the negative (tú) command, you must follow these steps: Put the verb in the YO form in its present tense. Drop the O AR ending verbs end in ES ER & IR ending verbs end in AS Don’t forget to write NO EXAMPLE : Escribir los apuntes = No escribas los apuntes.
Pronoun Placement with Negative Commands All pronouns (Refelxive, Direct & Indirect) are placed before the verb Example: No escribas los apuntes = No los escribas
Irregular Negative Tú Commands
Other Command Forms To command FORMALLY or to use affirmative and negative for PLURAL (nosotros & ustedes), start with the YO then proceed in the following matter: Drop the O AR ending verbs end in EEN (ustedes) EMOS (nosotros) ER & IR ending verbs end in AAN (ustedes) AMOS (nosotros) Don’t forget to write NO if you are saying don’t
Mandatos Formales How do they work : For a singular formal command: Ar = E Er, Ir = A For a plural formal command: Ar = ENEMOS Er, Ir = AN For nosotros command: Ar = EMOS Er, Ir = AMOS
Irregular Formal Commands SingularPlural DarDéDen EstarEstéEstén IrVayaVayan SaberSepaSepan Ser Sea Sean
Nosotros Commands Escribamos Comamos Visitemos Sentémenos * form of the verb SENTARSE Saquemos Vámonos * form of the verb IRSE Escribamos Comamos Visitemos Sentémenos * form of the verb SENTARSE Saquemos Vámonos * form of the verb IRSE *When using Nosotros commands as a reflexive drop the S
Indirect Object Pronoun Replace the noun (ask the question ‘To Whom’) MeNos TeOs LeLes A, Para, Por will normally indicate the recipient. Example: Compra muchos regalos a mi familia. (Cómprale muchos regalos)
Direct Object Pronouns Replace the noun (ask the question ‘WHAT’) (LO, LA) (LOS, LAS) Example: Compra regalos a mi familia. Cómpralos a mi familia.
Double Object Pronoun When working with both Direct & Indirect Object pronouns, INDIRECT always comes first. Rule: When working with both turn the third person (ONLY) Le, Les into SE. Example: Compra regalos a mi familia. Compráselos