Università degli Studi di Cassino Facoltà di Scienze Motorie Lingua Inglese (3 CFU) a.a. 2011-2012 (Dott. Saverio Tomaiuolo) Il Congiuntivo.


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Presentation transcript:

Università degli Studi di Cassino Facoltà di Scienze Motorie Lingua Inglese (3 CFU) a.a. 2011-2012 (Dott. Saverio Tomaiuolo) Il Congiuntivo

I hope (that) you are happy now. I wish (that) he watches TV less In inglese il congiuntivo presente e passato si traduce, rispettivamente, con il present simple e past simple: I hope (that) you are happy now. I wish (that) he watches TV less She wanted (that) he wrote her a letter (meglio=She wanted him to write her a letter

Esempi: I wanted that you came to the stadium. I hoped that (that) referee didn’t see that corner I wished you were here in that moment. I’m missing you.

Il condizionale

SOGGETTO + AUSILIARE “WOULD” + VERBO Forma affermativa SOGGETTO + AUSILIARE “WOULD” + VERBO I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they would / ‘d help him Forma negativa SOGGETTO + AUSILIARE “WOULD” + NOT + VERBO I / you/ he / etc…they would not / wouldn’t help him Forma interrogativa AUSILIARE “WOULD” + SOGGETTO + VERBO? Would I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they help him? L’ausiliare “would” si può anche utilizzare nelle forme di cortesia, soprattutto nelle richieste: Would you like some coffee? Would you join me for a run?

Esempi: They wouldn’t beat the record without his help. She would be happy to meet him Would you drink some wine with us?

Il Periodo ipotetico di 1°, 2 e 3° tipo

Periodo ipotetico di 1° tipo (If-clause n. 1) SOGG. (frase princ.) + WILL // IF + SOGG. (frase sec.) + Present Simple I will be happy, If you come with me You will wish her good luck, if you meet her.

Periodo ipotetico di 2° tipo (If-clause n. 2) SOGG. (frase princ.) + Condizionale Presente // IF + SOGG. (frase sec.) + Past simple I would call the police, if I were you. Overnutrition in children would be solved, if their parents educated them on food.

Periodo ipotetico di 3° tipo (If-clause n. 3) SOGG. + Condizionale passato (Would have + p.p.) // IF + SOGG. + Past Perfect She would have been happier, if they had come. We would have watched that movie, if we had had the money.

Esempi: She will obtain good results, if she trains more Italian would have won more medals, if they hadn’t been so nervous. They will add muscles to their legs, if they run on the beach If they ate less, they would feel better.

PERSONAL INTRODUCTION __________ PERSONAL INTRODUCTION First Name:_________________________________________________________ Surname:_______________________________________________________ Date and Place of Birth of Birth:________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________ Last book read and opinions_________________________________________ Last movie watched and opinions________________________________________ Hobbies ________________________________________________________ Dream trip________________________________________________________________ Dream job ______________________________________________________________________________

Past Simple: Mary made a pizza > A pizza was made by Mary Forma Passiva Si noti l’inversione, dalla FORMA ATTIVA alla FORMA PASSIVA, del soggetto che diventa complemento oggetto (di solito preceduto dalla preposizione by) e viceversa del complemento oggetto che diventa soggetto. Il verbo nella forma passiva si conclude sempre al participio passato. Present Simple: John (soggetto) meets Peter (oggetto) > Peter (sogg.) is met by John (ogg.) Present Continuous: He is running a race > A race is being run by him Past Simple: Mary made a pizza > A pizza was made by Mary Past Continuous: The athletes were winning the game > The game was being won by the athletes Present Perfect: The trainer has supervisioned them > They have been supervisioned by the trainer Can /Could: I can/could do that task > That task can be/could be done by me. Must: You must take this medicine > This medicine must be taken by you Futuro con “will”: He will lift 100 kilos > 100 kilos will be lifted by him Esempi: I will be trained by him one day. Those shoes were broken by Paul Her friend has been recently visited by a doctor. Meat must be eaten by weight-lifters almost every day