Let’s enjoy places Session 3
Let’s Enjoy Places – Session 3 il fait beau – it’s fine/nice weather il fait mauvais – it’s bad weather il fait chaud – it’s hot il fait froid – it’s cold il pleut – it’s raining/it rains il neige – it’s snowing/it snows il y a du vent – it’s windy Questions quel temps fait-il? – what is the weather [like]? Classroom language devinez - guess janvier – January février – February mars – March avril – April mai – May juin – June juillet – July août – August septembre – September octobre – October novembre – November décembre – December Extra il y a du brouillard – it’s foggy il y a de l’orage – it’s stormy il est nuageux – it’s cloudy mais – but cependant – however pourtant – yet/but
Phonics Focus r sound, particularly in combination with other letters: froid février septembre/octobre/novembre/décembre
Grammar Focus en/au mois de + months en septembre au mois de septembre Use of impersonal ‘il’ to mean ‘it’ il pleut il neige
Teaching Tips It is a good idea to vary the way you present new vocabulary, and to include a range of approaches (not always pictures) that will appeal to different learning styles. Actions and mimes can be very effective and actively involve the learners, especially if you ask them to invent their own gestures! Learning all the months of the year thoroughly can take time. In this context you may decide that it is appropriate to present the vocabulary fairly quickly, practise pronunciation and then provide a reference source such as a French calendar that learners can consult as they work on the task. Months can be repeated and reinforced in different learning contexts, for example birthdays, seasons, festivals.
Do One Thing! Using a simple weather chart, ask your class every day ‘Quel temps fait-il?’ Think about how you can incorporate spoken French when children are finding out and recording information, by equipping them with a simple question and answer format to use in pairs or groups Practise using a connective (mais/cependant/pourtant) to link two pieces of contrasting information
Ensemble Languages Project, for the Ensemble Languages Project, Ensemble_Let ’ s Enjoy Places Session 3 Summary This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License: