Double Object Pronouns
Sometimes you may want to use two object pronouns together. Here are the rules for doing that… First, remember I.D. The indirect object pronoun always comes before the direct object pronoun.
Here are some examples… Juan gives the book to me. Juan da el libro a mí. Juan me lo da. Subject + IOP + DOP + verb
Let’s try another one! Remember Subject + IOP + DOP + verb Marta buys some bracelets for us. Marta compra unas pulseras para nosotros. Marta nos las compra.
But wait there is one more rule…. You cannot have 2 “ l ” pronouns together: le las les lo
Le Lo Los Les La Las Se + + Lo Los La Las Se Carlos da los anillos a ellas. Carlos da los les Carlos les los da. Carlos se los da.
Pronoun Placement Remember your rules for pronoun placement: Before a conjugated verb Attached to the end of an infinitive Attached to the end of a participle Attached to the end of a command
Here are some examples: Juan acaba de leérmelo. Juan está leyéndomelo. ¡Leémelo! Oh no! I have to add accent marks! But where do they go?
Not accents!!! Accent Placement Infinitive = accents on the vowel before the “r” Participle = accents of the vowel before –ndo Command = accents on the next to the last vowel of the original command form.