The ancient Mexican religion is called the Nahua religion, or the religion of Natuatl. It is believed to be a mixture of mant different Mexican religions. They worshipped several deities, which present resemblance with greek and Egyptian deities. The used to practice ritualistic cannibalism and offer human sacrifices to their gods. One of most important of these deities is San La Muerte or saint death represented by a skeleton and usually worshipped on the Dia de los muertos, the day of death.
La proporcion de altura versus ancho de la bandera mexicana es 4:7. Green represents hope for the nation, where people join together and achieve and maintain peace between them. White represents the purityof Catholic faith. Red represents the color of blood. With the inclusion of this color on their flag, Mexican people pat tribute to those who died during the terrible war of independence. Por surpesto la bandera de Mexico no siempre fue como es ahora. Alli tengo sidos muchos diferentes banderas mexicanas.
Comida mexicana ha sido considerada como muy picante. This picture is a picture of a mexican dish called Tex Mex Food. Which includes corn and Tabasco Sauce..