“La Lengua y música Español” Second Grade Musical Cheshire Elementary November 9, 2010
Good Morning Buenos Dias
How are you? ¿Cómo estás?
Mother La Madre
Father El Padre
Brother and Sister El Hermano y La Hermana
Grandmother and Grandfather La Abuela y el abuelo
The house La casa
The animals Los animales
A mouse Un ratón
A little mouse Un ratóncito
The dog El perro
The cat El gato
The air El aire
The water El agua
The sea El mar
Let’s dance! Vamos a bailar
The car El coche
The bus El autobus
The train El tren
1, 2, 3… Uno, dos, tres…
The skeleton comes out of his tomb. The skeleton gets a cough. The skeleton looks for Andrew. The skeleton looks at his picture. The skeleton jumps five times. The skeleton plays baseball. The skeleton counts his money. The skeleton looks for Pinocchio. The skeleton eats ice cream. The skeleton goes back into his tomb.
Red Rojo
Blue Azul
Yellow Amarillo
Green Verde
The colors Los colores
Good bye Adios