N.LKHAM Officer of Statistical Research Department National Statistical Office of Mongolia 19 October 2011 Tailoring the MDGs to Country Needs in Mongolia 1 International conference on MDGs Statistics, October 2011
CONTENT 1.MDG of Mongolia and implementation 2.Mongolian specific MDG-9 2
I.Millennium development goals of Mongolia and implementation 3
4 Resolution of the State Great Khural #25 dated 2005 on “Adopting MDG” 9 goals 20 targets 24 indicators Resolution of the State Great Khural #13 dated 2008 on “Adopting MDG” 9 goals24 targets67 indicators MDG OF MONGOLIA Mongolia specific MDG 9 : Strengthen Human Rights and Foster Democratic Governance
Tailoring MDG of Mongolia Target 1: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is below minimum living standard 1.4 Increasing per capita GDP from 5.1 thous.tog in 1990 to 6800 thous.tog in 2015 Target 2. Reduce by 6 times, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from under nourishment 1.6 Decreasing prevalence of standing /height for age/ children under age five 25.0% in 2000 to 13.0% in Decreasing prevalence of wasting/weight for height/ children under age five 5.5% in 2000 to 1.0% in 2015
Tailoring MDG of Mongolia Target 3. Increase an employment rate of population, reduce an unemployment rate of youth who are newly entered to the labour market 1.8 Increasing labour force participation rate 62.9% in 2000 to 70.0% in Decreasing unemployment rate of year-olds 4.4% in 2000 to 2.5% in 2015 Target 4: Reduce negative effects of population concentration and migration, provide migrants with basic social services 1.10 Proportion of population living I cities without official registration
Tailoring MDG of Mongolia Target 8: Increase participation of women in politics and desicion-making levels 3.6 Increasing the proportion of female candidates nominated for State Great Khural 10.9% in 2000 to 30.0% in Target 11. Limit and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDSV by HIV prevalence among pregnants women Target 13: Reverse the spread of caries among children 6.7 Decreasing prevalence of caries among children aged 5-6 years (per children) 80.1 in 2005 to 75.0% in 2015
Tailoring MDG of Mongolia Target 14: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse air pollution in urban areas, especially in Ulaanbaatar city 7.2 Proportion of land area protected to maintain biological diversity 7.3 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (ton/person) 7.4 Average concentration of nitrogen dioxide in winter time in Ulaanbaatar city /mkg/m3/ 7.5 Average concentration of sulphur dioxide in winter time in Ulaanbaatar city /mkg/m3/ Target 15. Mitigate the drying process of streams and rivers by protecting and rehabilitating water resource formation zones 7.6 Proportion of protected water resource formation zones 7.7 Number of protected water sources
Tailoring MDG of Mongolia Target 18. Create favorable condition for achieving other MDGs through developing trading and financial system 8.1 Proportion of ODA to basic social services 8.2 Proportion of ODA provided to help build trade capacity 8.3 Percentage of export in GDP 8.4 Financial deepening (ratio of GDP and total money) Target 19: In view of special needs of landlocked Mongolia create favorable conditions to access the sea, improve the efficiency of transit transportation through the territory of foreign countries, and increase transit transportation through the territory of Mongolia 8.5 ODA received as proportion of their GNIs 8.6 Proportion of cargo in transit transportation
Tailoring MDG of Mongolia Target 20: Develop a debt strategy to ensure sustainability of external and internal debts for long time, study methods applied nationally and internationally to coordinate and resolve debt issues without negative affects on the state budget and economy of Mongolia 8.7 Decreasing debt service as a percentage of exports of goods and services 8.8 Proportion of debt in GDP 8.9 Proportion of debt in government income 8.10 Proportion of debt in export 8.11 Proportion of debt service in government income
11 Database of MDG- 65 NSO - 21 Other ministries - 44 Population census- 4 Household socio- economic survey -3 Multiple indicators cluster survey - 3 Labour force survey – 3 Other - 8 Ministry of Finance– 10 Ministry of Health– 12 Ministry of Nature and Environment– 7 Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences - 5 Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs – 2 IAAC - 2 General Election Committee - 2 Other -4
MDG indicators, their frequency Goal Number of Target Indicators which are available Frequency Annual Every 5 years DecennialOccasional G14963 G G3366 G4133 G5122 G63761 G G84 14 G Total
II. II. Mongolian specific Millennium Development Goal-9 13
MDG 9 Goal – targets, indicators and responsible agencies Target 22: Fully respect and uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ensure the freedom of media, and provide the public with free access to information 1.Human Development Index - UNDP 2.Expert evaluation of conformity of Mongolian laws and regulations with international human rights treaties and conventions - NHRCM 3.Percentage of implementation/enforcement of judicial decisions - MOJHA 4.Number of attorneys that provide services to poor citizens – MOJHA 5.Public perception of political, economic, and financial independence of mass media - NSO 6.Number of state organizations that regularly place reports of their budgets and expenditures on their websites -MOF
MDG 9 Goal – targets, indicators and responsible agencies Target 23: Mainstream democratic principles and practices into life 1.Public perception of activities of state organizations -NSO 2.Number of civil society organizations that have officially participated and expressed their views in the process of developing and approving the state budget –MOF 3.Percentage of voters that have participated in nominating governors of soums and baghs -Cabinet Secretariat
MDG 9 Goal – targets, indicators and responsible agencies Target 24: Develop a zero tolerance environment to corruption in all spheres of society 1.Index of corruption -IAAC 2. Perception of corruption in political organizations, judicial and law enforcement institutions -IAAC 3.Public perception of corruption in public administration and public services -NSO
MDG 9 Goal –indicators 17 Indicators Target Human Development Index *0.83 Expert evaluation of conformity of Mongolian laws and regulations with international human rights treaties and conventions …3.4……… Percentage of implementation/enforcement of judicial decisions … Number of attorneys that provide services to poor citizens … Public perception of political, economic, and financial independence of mass media ……… Number of state organizations that regularly place reports of their budgets and expenditures on their websites …
MDG 9 Goal –indicators 18 Indicators Target Public perception of activities of state organizations ……… … … Perception of corruption in political organizations, judicial and law enforcement institutions … Percentage of voters that have participated in nominating governors of soums and baghs ……… … … Index of corruption……0.64-… Perception of corruption in political organizations, judicial and law enforcement institutions …… … Public perception of corruption in public administration and public services ……3.0-…
Millennium Development Goals Implementation Millennium Development Goals Implementation 19 National Report is a policy and recommendation document which analyses and summarises the current social and economic situation of the country and makes recommendations on measures to further intensify the implementation in accordance with State Great Hural (SGH) Resolution No. 25 of 2005 and SGH Resolution No.13 of Government of Mongolia- MDG implementation 2004 – First National report 2007 – 2 nd National report 2009 – 3 rd National report 2011 – 4 th National report
Millennium Development Goals Implementation at local level 20 news141009a.html Mongolia is currently piloting to set up the local level MDGs in 4 aimags and 2 districts of the capital city in order to eliminate development gaps. Dornod aimag (province) Dundgovi aimag (province) Huvsgul aimag (province) Govi-Altai aimag (province) Songinokhairkan District Nalaikh District
Further issues of attention in data information in evaluation of MDG indicators For the 13 MDG indicators the disaggregation is not sufficient for monitoring MDGs. New handbook of MGD indicators (new 12 indicators) 21
Thank you 22 Welcome to the website of NATIONAL STATISTICAL OFFICE OF MONGOLIA