IMPERATIVO! (per comandare...) Giving commands in Italian... How fun!
Why Commands? Italians love to order people around - Can you think of anyone that does that every day, Monday through Friday? Commands are also used to give advice or as an invitation to do something specific
How do we change verbs to make them work as commands? Let’s start by saying that you can’t give commands to yourself ( could, but we’ll avoid it!) Also, you can’t give commands to people that are outside of the picture - lui/lei/loro
So who can we order around? We can give commands to a person - or people - we speak to directly That could be TU - if it’s friendly and informal Or it could be LEI - if it’s a formal approach Or it could be NOI - if you’re giving a command to a group that you are part of Or it could even be VOI - if there is more than one person in question (not YOU - but YOU GUYS)
Of course, it will be the endings to make verbs take a command form And, of course, each verb family (-ARE -ERE -IRE) has a different set of endings. Ready to explore them? Here they are!
-ARE VERBS For TU form: -A Ex: GUARDA! For LEI form: -I Ex: GUARDI! (Notice how they endings swithed?) For NOI form: -IAMO Ex: GUARDIAMO! (Same old...) For VOI form: -ATE Ex: GUARDATE! (Same old...)
-ERE VERBS For TU form: -I Ex: SCRIVI! For LEI form: -A Ex: SCRIVA! For NOI form: -IAMO Ex: SCRIVIAMO! For VOI form: -ETE Ex: SCRIVETE!
-IRE VERBS For TU form: -I Ex: APRI! For LEI form: -A Ex: APRA! For NOI form: -IAMO Ex: APRIAMO! For VOI form: -ITE Ex: APRITE!
-IRE “ISC” VERBS TU and LEI: Drop the -O off the IO form - Ex: PULISCO/PULISC - then add For TU form: -I Ex: PULISCI! For LEI form: -A Ex: PULISCA! NOI and VOI remain “normal”! For NOI form: -IAMO Ex: PULIAMO! For VOI form: -ITE Ex: PULITE!
How about telling someone NOT to do something? For TU form: Keep the verb in -ARE - ERE and -IRE form and place NON in front of it. Ex: Non mangiare! Non scrivere! Non dormire! For LEI/NOI/VOI forms: Simply add NON in front of their command forms. Ex: (LEI) Non mangi! (NOI) Non scriviamo! (VOI) Non dormite!
With reflexive verbs (Mirror Verbs - actions reflected onto the subject) For TU - NOI - VOI forms: Attach the reflexive mini-word or object at the end of the verb. Ex. #1: Lavare/tu - Lava! But: Lavarsi/tu - Lavati! For LEI form: Keep the reflexive mini- word or object detached and place it before the verb. Ex: Lavare/Lei - Lavi! But: Lavarsi/Lei - Si lavi!
Reflexive Mini-Words Reminder Io - Mi Tu - Ti Lui/Lei - Si Noi - Ci Voi - Vi Loro - Si
What about the irregular verbs? Lucky you, there’s only seven! ESSERE AVERE ANDARE DARE DIRE FARE STARE
ESSERE TU: Sii Lei: Sia Noi: Siamo Voi: Siate
AVERE Tu: Abbi Lei: Abbia Noi: Abbiamo Voi: Abbiate
ANDARE Tu: Vai/Va’ Lei: Vada Noi: Andiamo Voi: Andate
DARE Tu: Dai/Da’ Lei: Dia Noi: Diamo Voi: Date
DIRE Tu: Di’ Lei: Dica Noi: Diciamo Voi: Dite
FARE Tu: Fai/Fa’ Lei: Faccia Noi: Facciamo Voi: Fate
STARE Tu: Stai/Sta’ Lei: Stia Noi: Stiamo Voi: State