Juli 2015
Dedicated to the reader: May you find hapiness
Das ist der Punkt an dem Alles gesagt ist und wir uns trotzdem nicht verstehen Maxim
Man braucht keinen Grund, um zu gehen, wenn man keinen mehr hat, um zu bleiben. Herman Scherer
T H E E D G E There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over Hunter S. Thompson
She always had that about her, that look of otherness, of eyes that see things much too far, and of thoughts that wander off the edge of the world. Joanne Harris
I waited and waited. For minutes. For hours. For days. But all I had was silence. And with the absence of your words, I took it as an answer. l.b. Herman Scherer
Sag`niemals nie und nie für immer. St. Poesie
Alice Morgan
Nicht Dein Tag. Jahrelang. Casper
People don`t want to hear the truth because they don`t want their illusions destroyed. Friedrich Nietzsche
The courage it took to get out of bed each morning to face the same things over and over was enormous Charles Bukowski
She`s got a heavy heart, a messy soul a reckless mind. And I think it`s beautiful the way she carries herself City and Color – Fragile Bird
Deadly What is more deadly, a gun or a thought? A gun gives you the opportunity. But a thought pulls the trigger. Unknown
You`re afraid to tell people how you feel, because it will destroy them. So instead, you keep it inside, where it destroys you. Unknown
There`s a degree of difficulty in dealing with me. City and Colour -Little Hell
We are our choices J. P. Sartre
A long time ago I learned not to explain things to people. It misleads them into thinking they`re entitled to know everything I do. Lisa Kleypas
And then I think maybe I was designed to be alone. Unknown
People may not always tell you, how they feel about you, but their actions will always show you. Pay attention.
Exist on your own terms. That`s all. Unknown
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. Marcus Aurelius
It always shocked me when I realized, that I wasn`t the only person in the world who thought and felt such strange and awful things. John Green – Looking for Alaska
The bad news: Nothing lasts forever. The good news: Nothing lasts forever. Unknown
Goodbyes are not forever, Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I`ll miss you until we meet again. Unknown
I`ll see you when I fall asleep.