hará un viaje (s/he) will-make a trip LICRT – C2M2 FUTURE haré I will make harás you will make hará he/she will make
aunque le gustaba mucho el sol although “likes” a lot the sun no quiere una quemadura de sol no wants a burn of sun LICRT – C2M2 FUTURE haré I will make harás you will make hará he/she will make PRESENT me gusta mucho “I really like” te gusta mucho “you really like” le gusta mucho “s/he really likes” PRESENT quiero I want quieres you want quiere wants
por eso, se pondrá loción bronceadora for that, s/he-will-put-on lotion tanning LICRT – C2M2 FUTURE haré I will make harás you will make hará he/she will make PRESENT me gusta mucho “I really like” te gusta mucho “you really like” le gusta mucho “s/he really likes” PRESENT quiero I want quieres you want quiere wants FUTURE me pondré I will put on te pondrás you will put on se pondrá he/she will put on
si no hubiera ido a..., habría visto el sol if no had gone to..., would-have seen the sun LICRT – C2M2 FUTURE haré I will make harás you will make hará he/she will make PRESENT me gusta mucho “I really like” te gusta mucho “you really like” le gusta mucho “s/he really likes” PRESENT quiero I want quieres you want quiere wants FUTURE me pondré I will put on te pondrás you will put on se pondrá he/she will put on PAST fui I went fuiste you went fue s/he went PAST vi I saw viste you saw vio s/he saw
hará un viaje (s/he) will-make a trip aunque le gustaba mucho el sol no quiere una quemadura de sol although “likes” a lot the sun no wants a burn of sun por eso, se pondrá loción bronceadora for that, s/he-will-put-on lotion tanning si no hubiera ido a..., habría visto el sol if no had gone to..., would-have seen the sun LICRT – C2M2 Summary FUTURE haré I will make harás you will make hará he/she will make PRESENT me gusta mucho “I really like” te gusta mucho “you really like” le gusta mucho “s/he really likes” PRESENT quiero I want quieres you want quiere wants FUTURE me pondré I will put on te pondrás you will put on se pondrá he/she will put on PAST fui I went fuiste you went fue s/he went PAST vi I saw viste you saw vio s/he saw