Mis Amigos y Yo Sra. Waters MOT Charter
Manu Chao’s Me Gustas Tú 2 Canción para comenzar
Amigos en Español Video clip…. Most of you already know the words for our Unit’s title… So tell me what are we going to studying???
Unit Objectives Throughout this unit students will revisit: –Greetings & Salutations –the verb Ser in the present tense –Subject pronouns (yo, tú, él, ella, etc) Students will also be able to: Understand gender as it applies to Spanish nouns & adjectives Practice using definite & indefinite articles Describe their personality & physical attributes as well as those of their friends Express likes and dislikes using the verb Gustar
Lesson Goals Understand gender as it applies to Spanish nouns & adjectives Introduce definite & indefinite articles
Abeja On your abeja sheet, list the names of at least 5 friends you have. Next class we’re going to list adjectives to describe them…
Essential Questions Q1: How can I figure out the gender of words in Spanish? Q2: What the heck is a definite article? Or an indefinite article? Do these exist in English? Q3: How are these 2 types of articles different? When should they be used in Spanish?
In Spanish many words have a gender…
Video Lessons Gender & Adjectives video clip –Sra. Ebert is going to teach this lesson for me….
Definite Articles help us figure out Gender Masculine nouns have the article "el" in singular form & the article "los" in plural. Feminine nouns have the article "la" in singular form & the article "las" in plural. When a plural includes both masculine and feminine elements, the masculine noun is used with the article "los" (for example: parents are "los padres", children are "los niños” ♂ ♀ el pasajero la pasajera el médico la médica el cirujanola cirujana el perro la perra
FEMININE Words 1) Words that end in – tad, – tud y – dad are FEMININE la amistad, la libertad la lentitud, la multitud, la juventud la felicidad, la calidad 2) Words that end in – ción y – sión are FEMININE la canción, la sensación, la imaginación la sesión, la ilusión, la revisión 3 Words that end in any letter of the A,B, C are FEMININE a, b, c, d, etc.
Definite/ Indefinite Articles DefinitivoIndefinitivo MasculinoFemeninoMasculinoFemenino Singularellaununa Pluralloslasunosunas Check out the worksheet…
Review 1x Video Lessons Spanish Articles
Online Help… spanyol.hu/en/grammar/gender.phphttp:// spanyol.hu/en/grammar/gender.php panish/conversational_spanishhttp:// panish/conversational_spanish
Exit Visa & A Song Spanish Articles Song –Notice this is a student project… I want us to get to this point! –On your abeja paper, answer the 3 EQs for today.
EQs for Exit Visa Q1: How can I figure out the gender of words in Spanish? Q2: What the heck is a definite article? Or an indefinite article? Do these exist in English? Q3: How are these 2 types of articles different? When should they be used in Spanish?