European Food Sustainable Consumption and Production Round Table


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Presentation transcript:

European Food Sustainable Consumption and Production Round Table 1 October 2013 1

Structure of the presentation Round Table Characteristics & Membership Whole chain approach / constituencies Governance Structure Key Objectives and Guiding Principles Working Group Deliverables and Timing Pilot Testing Annex: List of members & co-chairs

Key characteristics Official launch: 6 May 2009 in Brussels Vision: Promote science-based, coherent approach to SCP in the food sector, consider interactions across the entire food chain Working areas: Methodology, communication, continuous improvement Scope: Food and drink products across the whole life-cycle Food actors: 21 European food chain organisations Other members: Sustainability Consortium Co-chairs: European Commission (DGs ENV, SANCO, JRC, ENTR) Support: UNEP, European Environment Agency Observers: National governments, Eurogroup for Animals, UN FAO, UNDP, Spanish Consumers Union (OCU) Participation: EU level organisations subject to expertise and commitment

Eligible constituencies Whole Chain Approach Eligible constituencies Suppliers to the agricultural sector Farmers and agri-cooperatives Agricultural trade Food and drink industries Packaging value chain Transport & logistics operators Retailers End-of-life Consumer NGOs Environmental NGOs

Governance Structure All RT bodies are co-chaired by the European Commission and representatives of the RT constituencies 5

Three Key Objectives: Establish scientifically reliable and uniform environmental assessment methodologies for food and drinks Identify suitable tools and guidance for voluntary environmental communication to consumers and other stakeholders Promote continuous environmental improvement measures along the entire food supply chain;

Ten Guiding Principles Lead Principle: Environmental information communicated along the food chain, including to consumers, shall be scientifically reliable and consistent, understandable and not misleading, so as to support informed choice.   I.     Principles for the voluntary environmental assessment of food and drink products 1.      Identify and analyse the environmental aspects at all life-cycle stages. 2.      Assess the significant potential environmental impacts along the life-cycle. 3.      Apply recognised scientific methodologies. 4.      Periodically review and update the environmental assessment. II.   Principles for the voluntary communication of environmental information 5.      Provide information in an easily understandable and comparable way so as to support informed choice. 6.      Ensure clarity regarding the scope and meaning of environmental information. III. Principles for both voluntary environmental assessment and communication. 7.      Ensure transparency of information and underlying methodologies and assumptions. 8.      Ensure that all food chain actors can apply the assessment methodology and communication tools without disproportionate burden. 9.      Support innovation. 10.   Safeguard the Single Market and international trade. 7

Working Group Deliverables and Timing WG1: Environment assessment “Guiding Principles” on the environmental assessment of food and drinks (Delivered 2010) Voluntary testing of the ENVIFOOD Protocol Version 1 through pilot case studies (Q2-Q3 2013) Expected adoption of ENVIFOOD Protocol Version 2 (20 November 2013) WG2 : Environmental information “Guiding Principles” on environmental information to consumers + others (Delivered 2010) Report on Communicating environmental performance along the food chain (Delivered 2011) Voluntary testing of communication of environmental information through voluntary pilot case studies (Q2-Q3 2013) WG3: Continuous improvement Mapping of existing and emerging industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives to address them (Delivered 2010) Report on continuous environmental improvement along the food chain (Delivered 2012) WG4 : International and non-environmental aspects: Report on non-environmental aspects of sustainability (Delivered 2010)

ENVIFOOD Protocol Version 1 Pilot Testing Participation: 19 total; Protocol: 10 testers, Communication tools: 9 testers Timing: 1st March – 30th September 2013; adoption of Version 2 on 20th November 2013 EU Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for F&D Products in 2014 DG Environment will manage the process Timing: Call for volunteers - Christmas 2013 Deadline for applications - March 2014 Selection of proposals - April 2014 Start date: 1 June 2014 Food SCP RT’s role Coordinate members’ proposals and help define product categories Provide technical support to PERCR pilot testers in applying ENVIFOOD Protocol

European Food Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Round Table For any further information or to express interest in becoming a formal member of the RT please contact also the RT Secretariat: 10


8 Founding Members European Farmers and European Agri‐Cooperatives (COPA‐COGECA) European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC) Europe International Federation for Animal Health – Europe (IFAH) European Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri‐Food Trade (CELCAA) European Organization for Packaging and the Environment (EUROPEN) FERTILIZERS EUROPE FoodDrinkEurope Packaging Recovery Organisation Europe (PRO EUROPE)

13 Other Member Organisations Alliance for Beverage Carton and the Environment (ACE) Association of Poultry Processors and Poultry Trade in the EU (a.v.e.c.) European Aluminium Association (EAA) European Association for Bio-Industries (EuropaBio) European Container Glass Association (FEVE) European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) European Federation of Contract Catering Organisations (FERCO) European Moderns Restaurants Association (EMRA) European Plastic Converters (EuPC) European Producers of Steel for Packaging (APEAL) EU Feed Additives and Premixtures Association (FEFANA) Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE) Primary Food Processors (PFP)

2 Supporting Organisations Co-Chairing Organisation: European Commission 2 Supporting Organisations European Environment Agency (EEA) United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP)

1 Associate Member Organisation 18 Observer Organisations (1) The Sustainability Consortium 18 Observer Organisations (1) Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development Eurogroup for Animals French Environment & Energy Management Agency (ADEME) Hungarian Ministry of Rural Development MEEDM - French Ministry for Ecology Netherlands Ministry for Environment

18 Observer Organisations (2) Netherlands Agriculture Ministry Spanish Agriculture Ministry Spanish Consumers Union (OCU) Swedish National Food Administration Technical University of Denmark UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs UK Food Safety Authority Swiss Federal Office for the Environment United Nations Development Programme United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization U.S. Department of Agriculture at the U.S. Mission to the EU

Co-chairing of the RT bodies (1) Plenary Herbert AICHINGER (DG ENV, Adviser, European Commission) Pekka PESONEN (Copa‐Cogeca, Secretary General) Steering Committee Pascal GREVERATH (FoodDrinkEurope/Nestle, Assistant Vice-President Environmental Sustainability)

Co-chairing of the RT bodies (2) WG1: Environment assessment David PENNINGTON (DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission) Jean-Christophe BLIGNY (FoodDrinkEurope, Director Environment, Danone Waters) WG2: Environmental information Jeroen VAN LAER (DG SANCO, European Commission) Tania RUNGE (Copa‐Cogeca, General Affairs Advisor) WG3: Continuous improvement Harald SCHÖNBERGER (DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission) Christian PALLIERE (Fertilizers Europe, Director Agriculture and Environment) WG4:International and non‐environmental aspects Salvatore D’Acunto (DG Enterprise and Industry, Head of Unit F.4 – Food Industry) Jean-Luc MERIAUX (CELCAA, UECBV Secretary General)