Unit 9 What does she look like? #1 211 August 11, 2011
Al principio de la carpeta, place important papers from the class. Mr. McGrath will tell you what documents should be there. You are going to keep your daily “Rapid Write” activity in the first part of the notebook. OJO — Cada vez que escribes un “Rapid Write,” debes poner la fecha y deben estar en la misma hoja de papel LA CARPETA — Vas a dividir la carpeta por cada capítulo de la clase (Por ejemplo “Unit 9: What does she look like?”) — IMPORTANTE — Escribe la fecha en cada hoja de papel que recibes u otro papel que pones en este parte de la carpeta. The notebook will be graded each time we have an oral exam. OJO — La carpeta es una gran parte de la nota final de la clase.
Lip Dub — Marshfield High School Firework, Katy Perry Firework, Katy Perry
Rapid Write August 19, 2011 Lo escribe en la misma hoja de papel que la clase pasada. What does he or she look like? Write a sentence that describes the person. (1-8) p. 58 puede ayudarte
Appearance Hair long brown hair short blond hair straight black hair curly red hair bald a mustache and beard
Appearance Age
Appearance Looks
Appearance Height short fairly short pretty tall very tall
Conversation p. 59 Emily: I hear you have a new girlfriend, Randy. Randy: Yes. Her name´s Ashley, and she´s gorgeous! Emily: Really? What does she look like? Randy: Well, she´s very tall. Emily: How tall? Randy: About 6 feet 2, I suppose. Emily: Wow, that is tall. What color is her hair? Randy: She has beautiful red hair. Emily: And how old is she? Randy: I don´t know. She won´t tell me. LISTEN
NOTES: Describing people August 16, 2011 OJO: Escriba en la hoja de papel que te doy con la fecha y pon la en la carpeta de argollas.
Describing People GENERAL APPEARANCE QUESTION: What does she look like? ANSWER: She´s tall with red hair. Q: Does he wear glasses? A: Yes, and he has a beard. AGE Q: How old is she? A: She´s about 32. A: She´s in her thirties. Q: How old is he? A: He´s in his twenties. HEIGHT Q: How tall is she? A: She´s 1 meter 88. A: She´s 6 feet 2. Q: How tall is he? A: He´s quite short. HAIR Q: How long is her hair? A: It´s medium length. Q: What color is his hair? A: It´s dark/light brown. A: He has brown hair.
What is the question? Example: 1. My brother is 26. How old is your brother?
What is the question? 2. I´m 173 cm (5 feet 8).
What is the question? 3. Sharon has brown hair.
What is the question? 4. No, she wears contact lenses.
What is the question? 5. He´s tall and very good-looking.
What is the question? 6. My sister´s hair is medium length.
What is the question? 7. I have dark brown eyes.
What is the question? 2. I´m 173 cm (5 feet 8). How tall are you?
What is the question? 3. Sharon has brown hair. What color is Sharon´s hair?
What is the question? 4. No, she wears contact lenses. Does she wear glasses?
What is the question? 5. He´s tall and very good-looking. What does he look like?
What is the question? 6. My sister´s hair is medium length. How long is your sister´s hair?
What is the question? 7. I have dark brown eyes. What color are your eyes?
Who is it? Write a description of someone in the class, but don´t tell anyone who it is. A: Is it a man or a woman? B: It´s a man. A: How tall is he? B: …
Listening p. 60
Snapshot Listen and repeat 1.Which clothing items do you wear almost every day? (Circle in the book.) 2.What are three more things you like to wear? 3.What’s your style?
Conversation Which one is she? LISTEN LISTEN
Homework (La tarea) Find a picture of your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife. You can print a photo from the Internet or cut from a magazine or newspaper. Below the picture, answer these questions: (Escribe las preguntas ahora antes de salir la clase.) 1. What is his/her name? 2. What does he/she look like? 3. How old is he/she? 4. How tall is he/she? 5. How long is his/her hair? What color is his/her hair? 6. What clothing does he/she wear almost every day? 7. What is his/her style?
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