Warm up Write in easy French one of your typical day of school, from morning until night.
Qu’en penses-tu? On page 285 Savais-tu que…? (students share reading) Vocabulaire: une méduse, une pieuvre, un corail, une algue, un requin, une crevette, un hippocampe, un coquillage, un espadon, une tortue, une étoile de mer, un rocher, un crabe, un homard,..
Bragging; Flattering To bragg: C’est fastoche, ça! That’s easy! C’est pas pour me vanter, mais… I’m not trying to bragg, but…Oh, j’en ai vu d’autres. J’ve done/seen bigger and better things. C’est moi, le/la meilleur(e) I’m the best. C’est moi qui nage mieux. I….the best To flatter: Tu es fortiche/calé(e). You are really strong/good at that.
Alors là, tu m’épates! I’m really impressed! Tu en as du courage. You’ve really got courage. Tu es vraiment le/la meilleur(e). Tu es le garçon le plus cool que je connaisse. You’re the…est..I know. ** Draw things you find a the beach of Guadeloupe. P. 288, Do # 11, cd 10, Tr. 3 Do # 12 (write just a few sentences)
Grammaire: superlative To make the superlative form in French, you just use the comparative forms along the appropriate definite article. Adjective: Ce coquillages est le plus grand. This shell is the biggest. Celui-ci est le moins grand. This one is the smallest. Ce sont les meilleurs régions pour la plongée. These are the best regions for diving.
* If the adjective usually precedes the noun, put the superlative construction and the adjective before the noun. Gilles est le plus grand garçon de l’équipe. Gilles is the tallest boy on the team. If the adjective usually follows the noun, put the article in front of the noun and repeat it in the front of the superlative construction. le requin est le poisson le plus dangereux du monde. The shark is the most dangerous fish in the world. Notice that you use de to say in/of after the superlative. Tu es la fille la plus courageuse de notre classe. You’re the most courageoouse girl in our classe. Article and adjective have agree with the nouns.
Adverb: In a superlative construction with an adverb, always use the article le. C’est Brigitte qui court le plus vite. Brigitte runs the fastest. C’est Pascal qui court le moins vite. Pascal runs the slowest. C’est moi qui chante le mieux. I sing the best. * Handouts!! Exit!!