Quedar: To fit/To suit
¿Recuerdas? Do you remember? GUSTAR= to like (to be pleasing) It only has 2 forms (singular and plural) GUSTA is used when followed by a singular noun Me gusta el chocolate OR any number of actiivities (unconjugated verbs) Me gusta bailar/Nos gusta bailar y cantar GUSTAN is ONLY used with plural nouns: Te gustan los deportes/Me gustan tenis y fútbol You always use me/te/le/nos/os/les to express the person who likes whatever it is. GUSTAR does NOT agree with that person
Other verbs like gustar INTERESAR (interesa/interesan) to be interested in IMPORTAR (importa/importan) to be important/matter ENCANTAR (encanta/encantan) to delight/love QUEDAR (queda/quedan) to fit
Quedar: A Verb Like Gustar Just like the verb “gustar”, the verb “quedar” has an indirect object pronoun before the verb. (A mí, a ti, a ella, a Josefina, a nosotros, etc.) Then, the verb “quedar” is conjugated for the article of clothing (queda or quedan) The adjective goes after the verb. MENOS TEOS LELES
Ejemplos The shirt fits you well: La camisa te queda bien. Since “camisa” is singular, use queda adjective Who it fits Write your own: ________________ _____ ____________ ____________ article of clothing whoquedaradjective
Adjetivos Common adjectives include: – bien: well – mal: poorly – Flojo: loosely – Apretado: tightly Remember to make the adjectives match in gender and number with the piece of clothing.
Práctica The pants fit Antonio loosely. The skirt fits me tightly. The sandals fit you well. The blouse fits Fabio badly.