Las emociones ~ Adjetivos ~
Estar and Emotions When describing how someone is feeling, the verb ESTAR is used with an adjective of feeling. The feeling since it is an adjective, will agree in number and gender with the noun.
The Verb Estar means “to be” in English. Estar is used to tell “feelings” of a person or “location” of a person or a thing. Estar is an IRREGULAR verb. It does NOT follow the pattern of regular – AR verbs.
The Verb Estar In writing, be sure to use the Accent Mark on all forms except the “yo” and “nosotros” forms. (estoy and estamos)
ESTAR estoy estamos estás estáis está están
aburrido(a) - bored
alegre - happy
cansado(a) - tired
contento(a) – content, happy
deprimido(a) - depressed
emocionado(a) - excited
enfermo(a) - sick
enojado(a) - angry
nervioso(a) - nervous
ocupado(a) - busy
preocupado(a) - worried
tranquilo(a) – calm; relaxed
triste - sad