Grammar book Objective: Student will review grammar already learned Create a comic strip grammar book that illustrates the parts of speech. – The book must have a front cover designed from a cartoon or comic strip character and author information (name and class period). – It must also include a table of contents and 15 additional pages. (16 pages in all!) Each of the 15 pages must have a key term, definition, a comic example with the part of speech highlighted (original illustration), and an original sentence with the part of speech highlighted
Por: Sra. Hernandez 5 th period Spanish 1
Tabla de contenido Me, te, nos………………………………………….pg. 1 Ser and estar……………………………………….pg. 2 & 3 Tener, tener que, and ir a Possessive adjectives Stem-changing verbs e ie, o ue Interesar, aburrir, and gustar The preterite –ar Pronouns –lo, la, los, las Ir and ser in the preterite Preterite of –er and -ir le, les
Key term: Me, te, nos Definition: Me, te, nos are object pronouns. Note that the pronoun is placed right before the verb. Original sentence: ¿ Como te llamas?
Key term: Ser and estar Definition: The verb ser is used to express where someone is from. Original sentence: ¿De donde eres ?
Key term: Ser and estar Definition: The verb estar is used to express temporary condition or state. Original sentence: ¿Como estas ?