To be hungry
to be thirsty
To be ______ years old
To be warm
To be cold
To be sleepy
To be in a hurry
1. You (familiar) are cold. 2. The dog is warm. 3. The students are sleepy. 4. I am 13 years old. 5. Yall are hungry. 6. We are thirsty. Tu hai freddo. Il cane ha caldo. Gli studenti hanno sonno. Io ho tredici anni. Voi avete fame. Noi abbiamo sete.
1. We are cold. 2. I am hot. 3. My mom is hungry. 4. They are thirsty. 5. Marga is 10 years old. 6. Are you(familiar) sleepy? Noi abbiamo freddo. Io ho caldo. Mia madre ha fame. Loro hanno sete. Marga ha dieci anni. Avete sonno?