Quasimodo: Get into groups of 3 or 4. Each group needs 2 markerboards. Get your homework out.
Tarea: ¿Qué vas a hacer después de escuela hoy? ▫Voy a [infinitive]. ¿Adónde vas durante las vacaciones de las navidades? ▫Voy a [lugar]. 1.Yo le doy el libro a ella. 2. Ellos le dan las plumas al Sr. Lopez. 3.Él le da los examenes al equipo. 4.Nosotros te damos el lápiz a ti.
Prueba mañana: Tomorrows quiz will have: ▫Conjugation charts for the irregular verbs ▫Dar + IOP and Ir + a + lugar/infinitivo translation practice -- some full sentence, some fill in the blanks.
Fase 1: Sentence translation Take turns with the markerboard. You will be translating the following sentences from English to Spanish or Spanish to English. If you have it correct, your team gets a point. Keep track of your points on your score board markerboard.
I am going to run. Yo voy a correr.
Maria va a la casa de su abuela. (2 puntos) Maria is going to her grandma’s house
We are going to school. Nosotros vamos a la escuela.
He is going to the gym. Él va al gimnasio.
You all are going to eat lunch. Ustedes van a almorzar.
Mario is going to study on Monday. Mario va a estudiar el lunes.
Ellos van a trabajar el sábado. They are going to work on Saturday.
Y’all (Spain) are going to talk with the team. (2 puntos) Vosotros váis a hablar con el equipo.
Fase 2: On one piece of paper: Use the vocab on the following page to say what gifts you are giving to the following people: ▫“Mis padres” ▫“Mi novio/a” ▫“Mis amigas” ▫“Sra. Crossett” Each person in your group must write one sentence and these sentences will be checked for grammar mistakes by another group so check your work! One point for every grammatically correct sentence
Ideas de regalos (gifts) Joyería Billetes para un partido de [deporte] Gato Perro Libro Pelota Videojuego Comida Chocolate Flores
Fase 3: Charadas! Pick a team to pair up with! If you win a round both teams grouped together will get the points
Deportes sports
dormir To sleep
Fútbol americano Football
fútbol soccer
El museo Museum
ganar To win
El vólibol volleyball
oír To hear
El hockey hockey