4B Vocabulary By: Ivan Carrasco
abrazarse to hug
besarse to kiss
darse la mano to shake hands
saludarse to greet
sonreir (e to í) to smile
despedirse de (e to i) to say goodbye to
los modales manners
el/la bebé baby
llorar to cry
llevarse bien/mal to get along well/badly
contar (chistes) (o to ue) to tell (jokes)
los mayores grown-ups
los parientes relatives
reírse (e to i) to laugh
reunirse (u to ú) to meet
alrededor de around
antiguo,-a old, antique
frecuentemente frequently
había there was/ there were
mientras (que) while
recordar (o to ue) to remember
el aniversario anniversary
casarse (con) to get married (to)
charlar to chat
la costumbre custom
cumplir años to have a birthday
el desfile parade
el día festivo holiday
divertirse (e to ie) to have fun
enorme enormous
¡Felicidades! Congratulations!
felicitar to congratulate
la fiesta de sorpresa surprise party
los fuegos artificiales fireworks
hacer un picnic to have a picnic
nacer to be born
regalar to give (a gift)
la reunión, las reuniones gathering