Expression ciblée de gènes chez la Drosophile Jean-Maurice Dura, Institut de Génétique Humaine, Montpellier 1) Charles Darwin 2) in vivo veritas rendre à César.....
Strong similarities between Drosophila and human More than 50% of the Drosophila genes have a strong similarity with a human gene. Amongst 289 human genes involved in a severe pathology, 177 have a clear homologue in Drosophila. Numerous molecular pathway are very well conserved (signal transduction; neurotransmitters; etc......).
in yeast GAL4 881 aa: regulator of transcription of genes induced by galactose (GAL10 and GAL1) by directly binding to 4 related 17 bp sites defining an Upstream Activating Sequences (UAS) in Drosophila (transgenesis via P transposable element) (no deleterious effect, most of the time)
from Martin Heisenberg
Srausfeld et al., MRT m
From Waddell and Quinn, 2001 Un centre de la mémoire : les corps pédonculés
rut - ; UAS-rut + ; brain-GAL4 memory rescue? rut - memory defect
Temporal Control ?
Temporal And Regional Expression Targeting GAL80: GAL4 inhibitor Binding of GAL80 to the carboxy-terminal 30 aa of GAL4 prevents GAL4-mediated transcriptional activation
GAL4 mediated misexpression of wild-type genes
UAS yellow + gène X Gal4 white + Visualise MB UAS mCD8-GFP Induces a MB phenotype
Srausfeld et al., MRT m
7B Src Non receptor tyrosine kinase Control
wild-type p p Src P1 p p
Clonal analysis -/- +/- -/- +/+
in yeast FLP recombinase (FLPase) FRT: FLPase recombination targets transgenesis in Drosophila clonal expression
Repressible marker = GFP under GAL4 control Repressor = GAL80
-/- +/- -/- viable lethal Dscam -/-
Down Syndrome cell adhesion molecule
Srausfeld et al., MRT m
1:1 3:1 2:0 2:1 + stop short2:2
Vanessa Lee et al., Development 1999 Developmental axon pruning is a general mechanism required to transform an immature neural circuit into a mature one. During Drosophila metamorphosis, larval-specific dendrites and axons of early neurons of the mushroom bodies are pruned and replaced by adult-specific processes
Lee et al., Neuron 2000
Thummel Dev. Cell 2001
Caractéristiques de FTZ-F1 Nuclear steroid hormone receptor. Isolated in a biochemical screen for embryonic proteins binding regulatory sequences of ftz (Ueda et al Genes and Dev 90) and Alcohol dehydrogenase (Ayer et al Nucl Ac Res, 93). 2 mARN, 2 proteins that differ in N-terminal: 1043 aa in early embryogenesis. 816 aa from late embryo to pre-pupae. The nuclear receptor FTZ-F1
-/- +/- cell-autonomous MARCM
Nb G N N FLP A multi-cellular Nb clone Single-cell / two cell clones FLP Lee et al., Development 1999
The nuclear receptors FTZ-F1 and HR39 LIGAND ADN DN % 63 % HR39 FTZ-F LIGAND ADN
Both proteins have the same target sequences in vitro. Competition between the two receptors for binding to a common DNA element (Ohno et al., MCB 94). Antagonist role of the two proteins HR39 et FTZ-F1 in vivo? The nuclear receptors FTZ-F1 and HR39
Boulanger et al., Nature Neuroscience 2011
Nuclear Receptor pathway TGF- pathway ftz-f1 TGF- / babo EcR-B1 Hr39 HR39 + USP and ecdysone Neuronal remodeling [] Boulanger et al., Nature Neuroscience 2011
-/- +/- -/- mutant phenotype ?mutant phenotype -/- cell-autonomous ? linotte RTK
The RYK (DRL) protein
Srausfeld et al., MRT m
drl + clone in a drl + brain drl - clone in a drl + brain +/+ -/- +/-
drl - clone in a drl - brain : phenotype is non-cell autonomous! -/-
Srausfeld et al., MRT m
+/+ drl - /drl - ? or
branch midline dendrites cell body A drl -/- single cell MARCM clone in a mutant brain Two different extrinsic (non cell autonomous) phenotypes: branch is horizontally misguided and branches do not stop at the midline branch branch
So what is DRL doing? DRL expression surrounds the MBs at 48 h APF. This is consistent with a role for axons guidance.
wnt5 400 /Y; C739 mGFP/+ Conclusion : wnt5 est nécessaire à la pousse axonale? WNT5, protéine sécrétée de la famille Wnts est le ligand de DRL
wnt5 400 /Y; C739 mGFP/+; UAS-wnt5/+ Conclusion : wnt5 est nécessaire à la pousse axonale des CP de façon autonome cellulaire.
+/+ wnt5 - IMARIS
sauvageInterprétation à partir de l ’ ensemble des neurones wnt5 -. Pousse axonal? Réalité vue en clones d ’ un seul neurone wnt5 - Guidage axonal
Model for the MB branch guidance Reynaud et al., appeal submission to Science