Worksop 5 th Methodist Brownies World Passport Brownies
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Hello in Hawaiian is… ____________ My favourite Cocktail that we made was called… _____________ I survived _____ Waves in the Surfboard Game
I __________ use Chopsticks Colour Me In Brownies in Japanese is:
What is your favourite British Food? Fish & Chips Sunday Dinner Victoria Sandwich What is Picture A? Who is in Picture B? Who is in Picture C? What is Picture D? A. B. C. D.
EnglishFrench HelloBonjour GoodbyeAu revoir Thank YouMerci OneUn TwoDeux ThreeTrois FourQuatre FiveCinq Six SevenSept EightHuit NineNeuf TenDix My favourite thing we did on French Night was… _________________________________ _______________________ __________________
I thought Indian Food was... Diwali or the ‘Festival of Lights’ is a Hindu festival celebrating the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil & hope over despair. I tried… Colour in your own Rangoli Design
France Great Britain Hawaii India 21 – Japan France Great Britain Hawaii India 21 – Japan
France Great Britain Hawaii India 21 – Japan France Great Britain Hawaii India 21 – Japan