Taking a to trip Spain Da’shawn Harris
January 1 New Year's Day Año Nuevo January 6 Epiphany Día de Reyes / Epifanía (ecclesiastical) March 19 Father's Day San José moveable Holy Thursday Jueves Santo moveable Good Friday Viernes Santo moveable Easter Sunday Dia de Pascua May 1 Labour Day Dia del Trabajador June 24 St. John's San Juan moveable Corpus Christi mid June June 29th St Peter's Day & St Paul's Day San Pedro y San Pablo July 25 St James Day Santiago Patron saint of Spain August 15 Assumption Asunción October 12 Columbus Day Dia de la Hispanidad Spain's National Day November 1 All Saints Todos los Santos December 6 Constitution Day Dia de la Constitución December 8 Immaculate Conception Inmaculada Concepción December 25 Christmas Day Navidad Holy Week in Valencia Valencia April 5 - April 12, 2011 Holy Week in Valencia continues to be one of the regions’ most beautiful and lively traditions, and is highly enjoyable by all who attend. Modern day townspeople dress up as characters from the Bible, and the joyous crowd dances through the street. The three main events of the festival include the Gathering of Palms, the Procession of the Holy Burial, and the Procession of the Resurrection. This religious celebration is certainly a great reason to visit Spain this upcoming spring!
: General Francisco Franco emerges as the war’s victor. He rules until his death in Juan Carlos de Borbon is named king, and Spain becomes a constitutional monarchy. 1992: The summer Olympic Games are held in Barcelona. The 500th anniversary of Columbus’ voyage to America is celebrated around the country. 2004: A series of explosions at a train station in Madrid leaves 191 people dead and 1,460 wounded.series of explosions 2006: The Basque terrorist group ETA agrees to lay down its arms and work toward independence through diplomatic means
Juan Carlos I
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