Roseman Spanish Club ADEA
Welcome! What are we learning today?? ◦The Alphabet… in Spanish, El Abecedario ◦Pronunciation! ◦ Numbers, days, and times if we have time! For a summary of today’s lesson, go to
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The Alphabet, El Abecedario It’s pretty much like our Alphabet in english… There are 27 letters and 30 different sounds Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ññ, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz A couple of exceptions: ◦There’s both N n and Ñ ñ ◦The H is always silent and not pronounced ◦When two r’s are together (rr) the r is “rolled” ◦Two L’s together sounds like “y” in English (ll or LL)
Practice! Get with someone next to you and practice saying the letters in Alphabet! A- ah B- be larga or grande C- ce D- de E- e F- efe G- ge H- hache I- i (ee prounounced) J- jota (hohta)
Practice! K- ka L- ele M- eme N- ene Ñ- eñe O- o P- pe (peh) Q- cu R- ere S- ese T- te
Practice! U- u (oo) V- ve corta or chica W- doble ve/ doble u X- equis (ekis) Y- i griega/ ye Z- zeta
Pronunciation- Vowels All the vowels in Spanish make the same sound no matter where they appear: ◦A- like a in father (la casa, la tapa) ◦E- the e in café (elefante, come, que) ◦I- the i in machine (si, cine, comida) ◦O- the o in hope (oso, otro, doctor) ◦U- the u in rule (uno, tu, puro) Exception: silent in gue/gui (guerra, guitarra) ◦Y- like the spanish i The vowels are short and clear
Pronuncation- Consonants B/V- both sound like the b in boat, but not as strong or harsh as in english (baño, burro, burrito! Not really spanish ) C- like s in sail before e or I (cita, centavo, cinco) ◦Like c in cat anywhere else (camisa, color, concreto) ◦When after H (ch), like ch in chum (chile, chocolate, chorizo)
Pronunciation- Consonants D- like d in dog at beginning of a word or after l or n (donde, falda, conde) ◦Sofer elsewhere, almost th in other (boda, poder, verdad, nada, cada) F- like english f (futuro, fila, oficina) G- like h in hat before e or i (genioo, generoso) ◦Like g in game anywhere else (gato, gusto, H- silent (hombre, hasta, halbar)
Pronunciation- Consonants J- like english H, a little more raspy (Juan, ojo, mujer) K- english K L- like engish L, but with tip of tongue touching on roof of mouth behind front teeth (el, hotel, mil) ◦LL- like y in beyond (caballo, bello, llave) M- english m (menos, cama) N- english n (nota, nación) Ñ- like ny in canyon (mañana, Señor)
Pronunciation- Consonants P- like english P, no puff of air (papel, persona, pobre) Q- like k in key (queso, que, equipo) R- like dd in ladder, “flap” of tongue (caro, para, barato, hablar) ◦RR- tongue roll practice! Done when r is at beginning of word or double r (rr) (perro, rojo, horrible) S- like english s (sopa, salsa, sorpresa) T- like english t, not explosive, tongue right behind teeth (torta, taco, talento)
Pronunciation- Consonant W- only in foreign words X- like english x (experto, examen) Y- like y in beyond (same as LL) (papaya, ayer, yerba) Z- like s in sail (azul, brazo, luz)
Accentuation- Stress Two basic rules: ◦Word ends in vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or n/s, stress falls on next to last syllable mañana, triste, hablo, volumen, examen, tomates ◦Words en in a consonant other than n or s, stress falls on last syllable salud, amidstad, papel, mujer, doctor, azul, cantar When you see a written accent, the stress falls there and breaks any rule ◦Examples teléfono, lámparo, música, café, difícil, canción
How not to sound like a “gringo” Remember: ◦Keep vowels clear and short ◦Use and practice Spanish “r” and “rr”, don’t use English “r” ◦Don’t make puffs of air when saying “p” and “t” ◦Always pronounce “z” like the English “s” and not “z”
Practice and Questions Get together in groups of 3 to 4 and practice saying the Alphabet How do you say these words (with correct stress)? ◦Útil ◦Casa ◦Tropical ◦Examen ◦Tomates ◦Difícil Any questions?