European framework agreement on the protection of occupational health an safety in the hairdressing sector Hvad drejer projektet sig om? Definer målet for projektet Svarer det til tidligere projekter, eller er det et nyt forsøg? Definer omfanget af dette projekt Er det et uafhængigt projekt, eller er det relateret til andre projekter? * Bemærk, at dette dias ikke er nødvendigt ved ugentlige statusmøder UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Situation: Hand eczema in hairdressers: a Danish register-based study of the prevalence of hand eczema and its career consequences 42 % of 5239 hairdressers have ever had hand eczema Annual prevalence of hand eczema among current hairdressers are 22.3% Most common age range for hand eczema debut 15-19 years 71 % were apprentices at hand eczema onset 8.4 years in the trade * Hvis nogle af disse problemer har forårsaget en forsinkelse eller skal diskuteres yderligere, medtag oplysninger på næste dias. Susan Hovmand Lysdal 1, Heidi Søsted 1, Klaus Ejner Andersen 2 and Jeanne Duus Johansen 3 • Contact Dermatitis 2011
Preamble: Health and safety is an issue which should be important to everyone in the hairdressing sector - Selfemployed are included and shall comply with specified provisions where they are personally engaged in work activity in a hairdressing salon that is also the workplace of workers * Hvis nogle af disse problemer har forårsaget en forsinkelse eller skal diskuteres yderligere, medtag oplysninger på næste dias. UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Clause: Objectives An integrated approach for the prevention of risks and protection of health and safety at the workplace, particulary in the following areas: Use of material, products and tools, protection of the skin and respiratory tract Prevention of musculo-skeletal disorders Working environment and organisation of work Maternity protection Mental health and wellbeing Work in a healthy work environment, establishing provisions in order to prevent, eliminate or reduce work-related health risks in the sector, retaining skilled workers in the sector, ensuring and promoting a high level of protection of health and safety for all workers within the European Union, strengthening the role and importance of national and European sectoral social dialogue * Hvis nogle af disse problemer har forårsaget en forsinkelse eller skal diskuteres yderligere, medtag oplysninger på næste dias. UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Clause: Use of materials, products and tools, protection of the skin an respiratory tract: Substitution central: The employer shall endeavour to use materials, products and tools, which are safer to the health and safety of the workers – if not available use materials, products and tools in a form which involves low exposure Clause: Prevention of musculo-skeletal disorders (MSD): Employers shall: organise rotation of tasks take into account the most recent ergonomic good practicies when purchasing new equipment and tools * Hvis nogle af disse problemer har forårsaget en forsinkelse eller skal diskuteres yderligere, medtag oplysninger på næste dias. UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Clause: Working environment and organisation of work Sufficient space non-slip floors ventilation Clause: Maternity protection: * Hvis nogle af disse problemer har forårsaget en forsinkelse eller skal diskuteres yderligere, medtag oplysninger på næste dias. If the doctor prohibits certain tasks for the pregnant woman, the employer shall take the necessary measures regarding the organisation of work and shall entrust the tasks to other workers UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Clause: Mental health and wellbeing Effective social dialogue at the workplace The employer shall ensure a careful preparation of work, an appropriate planning of working time and work organisation Clause: Individual protective measures Suitable clothes – in particular shoes with non-slip soles Not wear jewellery on hands and arms during work, as the skin underneath them is particularly prone to disease as a result of dampness or chemicals. Gloves provided by the employer that are sufficiently resistant to hairdressing chemicals and strong enough to ensure that they are not damaged by nomal work Cream * Hvis nogle af disse problemer har forårsaget en forsinkelse eller skal diskuteres yderligere, medtag oplysninger på næste dias. UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Challenges: The whole concept of the European Social Dialogue * Hvis nogle af disse problemer har forårsaget en forsinkelse eller skal diskuteres yderligere, medtag oplysninger på næste dias. UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Objectives of the EU Joint Project To promote the results of the activities of the Social Dialogue Committee in the personal Services/hairdressing as regards the health and safety issue and in particular the implementation of the European framework agreement on the protection of occupational health and safety in the hairdressing sector Dupliker evt. dette dias, hvis der er mere end ét problem. Dette og relaterede dias kan flyttes til tillægget eller skjules, hvis det er nødvendigt. To encourage, improve and strengthen the role, skills and capacity of the social partners of the hairdressing sector at national level, with a focus in the new member states and candidates countries UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Objectives of the EU Joint Project To raise awareness as regards the health and safety risks in the hairdressing sector and encourage the dissemination of the European Framework Agreement on the protection of occupational health and safety in the hairdressing sector at local, national and European level Dupliker evt. dette dias, hvis der er mere end ét problem. Dette og relaterede dias kan flyttes til tillægget eller skjules, hvis det er nødvendigt. UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Objectives of the EU Joint Project To develop and strenghten partnerships and mutual trust between social partners organisations involved in the European Social Dialogue and/or in other EU activities and those who started to participate recently or have not yet been involved Dupliker evt. dette dias, hvis der er mere end ét problem. Dette og relaterede dias kan flyttes til tillægget eller skjules, hvis det er nødvendigt. UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Objectives of the EU Joint Project Identify and establish contact with other relevant employees/employers organisations of the hairdressing sector in countries where no national social partner organisations is affiliate to the European organisations or where only one side is represented To organise a structured exchange of information and experience among national social partners on the sectoral social dialogue, labour and social structures in the hairdressing sector in the EU Dupliker evt. dette dias, hvis der er mere end ét problem. Dette og relaterede dias kan flyttes til tillægget eller skjules, hvis det er nødvendigt. UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Objectives of the EU Joint Project To reinforce the National and European social dialogue in the hairdressing industry by promoting the exchange of best practices, presenting good examples and discussions social dialogue issues such as health and safety To set up a working group of European social partners of the hairdressing industry in charge of the follow-up of the progress achieved nationally in implementing the European Agreement and to periodically reassess risks in light of the state of art, including scientific developments and findings of relevant bodies Dupliker evt. dette dias, hvis der er mere end ét problem. Dette og relaterede dias kan flyttes til tillægget eller skjules, hvis det er nødvendigt. UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013
Objectives of the EU Joint Project One year project (01.12.2012-01.12.2013) Joint Social Partners Actions relating to the implementation of the results of the European Social Dialogue negotiations (art 154 & 155 TEU) Dupliker evt. dette dias, hvis der er mere end ét problem. Dette og relaterede dias kan flyttes til tillægget eller skjules, hvis det er nødvendigt. UNI Hair - Poul Monggaard – March 2013