6/9/11 y 7/9/11 Esp. 1 1.Concurso de helado / ice cream contest 2.Period 1 – seccion de escuchar 3.Distribuir la lista de vocabulario - ¿Qué vamos a aprender? 4.Los estandares y la pregunta esencial 5.el video “En contexto” – PUNTOS 6.Tarea: Act. 4, p. 33: complete sentences, oraciones completas
Standards (from the poster) 1. Use basic greetings, farewells, and expressions of courtesy 2. Express like/dislike, emotions, and agreement/disagreement 3. Give simple descriptions 4. Initiate, participate in, and close a brief exchange
You meet the grandmother of one of your Spanish-speaking friends… Can you introduce yourself to her and demonstrate the special respect given to elders and professionals in Hispanic cultures? Further, can you introduce the grandmother to another of your friends and demonstrate cultural understanding in that conversation, too?
“Boy” or “guy:” un chico, un muchacho, un niño, chavo, chavalo, chamaco “Girl:” una chica, una muchacha, una niña, chava, chavala, chamaca “Man :” un hombre “Woman :” una mujer Young : joven (male or female) Old : viejo, vieja
Special instructions for 4 th period… 1:30-1:35: watch video (1.1 En Contexto, subtitles on) once, make a list of words and phrases you already know in Spanish, in left column of the table of the handout 1:35-1:45: fill out vocab sheet (another handout), using p. 47 in your text. 1:45-1:57: Watch video 2-3 more times. Write down words and phrases that you hear from the vocab sheet, in the right columns of a table – Draw cartoons to help reinforce the new vocabulary Place completed table in your “Class notes” section before bell rings