Gustar and friends
Gustar- to please (like) In English, we say we like things. In Spanish, we would say something pleases me. Three step process to form a “Gustar” sentence: Step one: Choose an indirect object Yo- menosotros- nos Tu- te El, ella, ud.- leellos/uds.- les
Step two: Choose conjugation for “gustar” The only two “gustar” conjugations possible: Gusta- for singular objects or verbs Gustan- for plural objects
Step three: complete sentence I like to swim me gusta nadar She likes tacos le gustan tacos
Clarification Sometimes we have to clarify to whom we are referring. In that case, you use the following at the beginning of the sentence: A mi A ti A el/ella A nosotros A uds./ellos
example Rebecca likes swimming. – A Rebecca, le gusta nadar. Thomas likes writing. A Thomas, le gusta escribir
Other verbs used similarly The following verbs are used the exact same way as “gustar”: Aburrir- to bore (aburre, aburren) Interesar- to interest (interesa, interesan) Encantar- to love (encanta, encantan)
More examples Spanish class is boring – Me aburre la clase de Espanol. I love gym. Me encanta gimnasio Cooking is interesting to her. A ella, le interesa cocinar.