Marcel Duchamp. Roda de Bicicleta, 1913.
Marcel Duchamp. Noiva despida pelos seus celibatários, mesmo.
Marcel Duchamp, Valise.
Marcel Duchamp, Valise,
Marcel Duchamp or Rose Sélavy (The Box in a Valise), 1943.
Marcel Duchamp, Valise.
Marcel Duchamp Box in a Valise (Boîte-en-valise), 1942–43.
Marcel Duchamp. La Boîte-en-Valise [Box in a Suitcase], 1935 – 1941.
Kurt Schwitters, Merz Picture 32A (Cherry Picture). 1921
Kurt Schwitters. Sem Título. (FEBRUAR), Colagem, pigmento, celofane e papel sobre cartão, 21,9 x 16,7 cm.
Kurt Schwitters. Opened by Customs Paper collage, oil and pencil on paper.
Kurt Schwitters, Merzbau,
Joseph Cornell. Tilly Losch, Construction, 10 x 9 1/4 x 2 1/8 in; Collection Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bergman, Chicago.
Joseph Cornell Untitled (Soap Bubble Set), Construction, 15 3/4 x 14 1/4 x 5 7/16 in; Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT.
Joseph Cornell. L'Egypte de Mlle Cleo de Merode, cours élémentaire d'histoire naturelle Construction, 4 11/16 x 10 11/16 x 7 1/4 in. Collection Richard L. Feigen, New York.
Joseph Cornell Untitled (Bebe Marie), Construction, 23 3/8 x 12 5/16 x 5 1/4 in. The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Joseph Cornell. Untitled, Construction, 13 1/8 x 10 x 3 1/2 in; Private collection, New York.
Joseph Cornell Object (Roses des Vents), Construction, 2 5/8 x 21 1/4 x 10 3/8 in; The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Joseph Cornell. Untitled (Pharmacy), Construction, 15 1/4 x 12 x 3 1/8 in; Collection Mrs. Marcel Duchamp, Paris.
Joseph Cornell Habitat Group for a Shooting Gallery, Construction, 15 1/2 x 11 1/8 x 4 1/4 in. Des Moines Art Center, Coffin Fine Arts.
Joseph Cornell Untitled (The Hotel Eden), 1945 Construction, 15 1/8 x 15 3/4 x 4 3/4 in; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
Joseph Cornell Untitled (Cockatoo and Corks), Construction, 14 3/8 x 13 1/2 x 5 5/8 in; Private collection.
Alberto Giacometti. The Palace at 4 A.M Wood, glass, wire, and string, 63.5 x 71.8 x 40 cm.
Max Ernst. La Forêt, Óleo sobre lienzo. 81 x 100 cm. Museo de Bellas Artes de Grenoble. Grenoble. Francia
Max Ernst. Blind Swimmer (Effect of a Touch), Óleo sobre lienzo. 93 x 77 cm. Julien Levy Collection. Bridgeport. USA.
Max Ernst. Toda la ciudad, Óleo sobre tela. 97 x 145 cm. Colección particular.
André Kertész, Place Gambetta, Paris, , Gelatin silver print, 1970s
André Kertész, Fête Foraine, Paris, 1931.
André Kertész. Chez Mondrian, Paris.
André Kertész, The White Horse, New York, 1962
André Kertész, Meudon, Paris, 1928
André Kertész, Homing Ship (Central Park), New York City, 1944, print c. 1970
André Kertész. Circus, Budapest, 1920
Brassai. Foggy, Paris.
Brassaï. Montmarte.
Brassaï. Sildewalk, 1931.
Brassaï, Open Gutter, 1933.
Brassai (Gyula Halasz). Tugboats and barges beside Pont-Neuf, 1933
Brassai (Gyula Halasz) Under one of the Seine bridges, 1933.
René Magritte. Euclidean Walks, Óleo sobre lienzo. Minneapolis Institute of Arts Minneapolis. USA.
René Magritte. La llave de los campos, Óleo sobre lienzo. 80 x 60 cm. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza
René Magritte. La condición humana, Óleo sobre lienzo. 100 x 81 cm. The National Gallery of Art. Washington. USA.
René Magritte. La leyenda de los siglos, Guache. 25 x 20 cm. Colección privada.
René Magritte. La perspectiva amorosa, Óleo sobre lienzo. 116 x 81. Colección privada. Suiza.
René Magritte. La perspectiva amorosa, Dibujo x 26 cm. Colección privada. Suiza.
René Magritte. The Telescope, Óleo sobre lienzo. 69 5/16 x 45 1/4 in. The Menil Collection. Houston. Texas.