Let’s go to a shop today… But what kind of shop is it? What do they sell ? What can you do in a travel agency ? They sell trips all around the world, holidays… You can buy a trip abroad, You can book a flight…
Who are they? The travel agent ? ? ? The customers
Let’s recap your new vocab! Une agence de voyage: Voyager: Vendre : Acheter : Un voyage, un séjour : Partout dans le monde : Des vacances : A l’étranger: Réserver un vol : Un agent de voyage : Un client : A travel agency Sell (sold- sold) Buy (bought – bought) A trip All around the world Holidays Abroad Book a flight A travel agent A customer Travel
Name : Vocabulary test ( / 20) /10 Class : Une agence de voyage: Vendre : Acheter : Un voyage, un séjour : Partout dans le monde : Des vacances : A l’étranger: Réserver un vol : Un agent de voyage : Un client : 1/ Write your vocab in English : /10 2/ Write 5 labels: /10
Imagine you are a travel agent! Imagine all the questions you could ask the customer!
V V Can I help you? Where do you want to go? Where would you like to go? When do you want to go? When would you like to go? How much are you ready to spend? What’s your budget? Have you ever travelled? Where have you already been? What do you like doing? What are your favourite hobbies? What about…? You should go to …? You can … You could …
THE CUSTOMER A) I'm ready to spend …… B) What can I do there ? / What will I do there ? C) I'd like to go to ……. / I want to go to …. D) Yes please! / Sure! I'd like to go abroad. E) What did I do there ? F) Awesome! / Wicked! / Great! G) I'm crazy about... /I'm keen on … / I enjoy…. / I can't stand… H) I have already been to …. / I've already visited …… I) I'd rather go in …… / I'd like to go in …….
D)Yes please! / Sure! I'd like to go abroad. D)Yes please! / Sure! I'd like to go abroad. C)I'd like to go to …… / I want to go to … C)I'd like to go to …… / I want to go to … V V A) I'm ready to spend H) I have already been to … / I've already visited … H) I have already been to … / I've already visited … G/ I'm crazy about... / I'm keen on … / I enjoy… / I can't stand… B)What can I do there ? / What will I do there ? B)What can I do there ? / What will I do there ? Can I help you? Where do you want to go? Where would you like to go? When do you want to go? When would you like to go? How much are you ready to spend? What’s your budget? Have you ever travelled? Where have you already been? What do you like doing? What are your favourite hobbies? What about…? You should go to …? You can …You could … You will …. F)Awesome! / Wicked! / Great! I)I'd rather go in …… / I'd like to go in ……
CHALLENGE ! Write down the activities you can do there. ___________________________________ CHALLENGE ! Write down the activities you can do there. ___________________________________ CHALLENGE ! Write down the activities you can do there. ___________________________________ CHALLENGE ! Write down the activities you can do there. ___________________________________