MODALES Área Académica: Licenciatura en Contaduría Profesor(a): María del Socorro Piedra Mayorga Periodo: Julio – Diciembre 2013
MODALES Resumen Son verbos llamados así porque, expresan un modo en que se realiza la acción (la posibilidad de, probabilidad, certeza, obligación, etc). Abstract Modal verbs are called like this because they express possibilities, probabilities, certaintiy, obligation. Keywords Modals, possibility, certainty, obligation, probability.
UNIDAD 1 Name of the Unit Sugerencias y posibilidades Objective of the Unit: Expresar sugerencias y posibilidades Uso de modal verbs
AIM To help students to talk about possibilities, suggestions and probabilities. To give recommendations To talk about rules
Modals: should/ must Show the next letter to give some advice: Dear Mike, Help! I´m still in love with Robert, but he never looks at me. I get upset and eat a lot. Yesterday I ate six cartons of chocolate ice cream. I can´t concentrate. My grades are getting worse and worse… I never exercise I quit my dance class and I never go out. I sit at home and think of Robert. I call him every day. But he never answers the phone. Please give me some advise. Love, Jane Teacher reads aloud and explains them the new vocabulary
Exericise Students read the letter and write some ideas about it by using SHOULD/SHOULDN´T Eg He should walk for 15 minutes everyday He shouldn´t eat junk food
Exercise T asks students to talk about HIDALGO
Exercise Students investigate about another Mexican state and make a PPT presentation to use it in class Students have to use SHOULD & SHOULDN´T Studenst give recommendations by using the correct structures like: In Guerrero, you should visit Acapulco you shouldn´t swim if you don´t know
Referencias q=images+of+visit+mexico&aqs=chroonditional/ Face2face preintermediate Cunningham,Gillie Redston, Chris Ed. Cambridge Printed 2012