Present Subjunctive Tense
Why use the subjunctive? To this point all of our statements have been indicative-They indicate or report something. The subjunctive refers to the uncertain present and future. In every subjunctive sentence there is the main clause of uncertainty + que + the subjunctive clause The first verb is conjugated in the present.
When to use the present subjunctive? In order to express desire, ignorance, an emotion, an impersonal opinion, doubt, denial, recommendation, and imperatives. We will use WEIRDO to help us remember these categories We will also use it to describe Fernando!
W-wishes, desires, imperatives Want or Need someone else to do something, Order or Insist that someone to do something Verbs-querer, preferir, esperar, mandar, desear, sugerir, insistar Ejemplos: Quiero que Mark salga conmigo. I want Mark to go out with me. La profesora prefiere que los estudiantes escriban oraciones completas. The professor prefers that the students write complete sentences. Esperamos que llegues temprano. We hope (that) you arrive early. Sus padres mandan que estudie más este semestre. His parents demand that he study more this semester.
E-emotion-when we want to express how we FEEL about something Tener, estar, esperar, sentir I am happy that you are going to Spain!- ¡Me alegro de que tú vayas a España! I'm sorry that he has to study tonight.- Siento que él tenga que estudiar esta noche. He is afraid that she wants to break up with him. Tiene miedo que ella quiera romper con él. We hope the professor won't give many exams.- Esperamos que la profesora no dé muchos exámenes.
I-impersonal expressions (It’s) Impersonal Expressions work in almost the same way that Ojalá expressions work. The first subject is already provided: Es("It's"). Impersonal expressions: Es necesario que él saque buenas notas Es preferible que ella vaya con nosotros Es bueno que… Es malo que… Es cierto que… Es hecho que…
R-recommendations To recommend that we or another person take some sort of action Verbs-recomendar, sugerir, querer, pedir Les recomiendo que miren los partidos de los Black Hawks de Chicago. Quiero que ustedes griten con entusiasmo en los partidos de los Black Hawks. La doctora Karmel le recomienda que Susana beba una copa de agua cada noche.
D-doubt, denial, disbelief When expressing doubt, the focus isn't on the reality of any facts but rather on your personal lack of belief in them. Verbs-Dudar, creer, negar, pensar, parecer, imaginar, temer I deny that gentlemen exist. Niego que existan los caballeros. I doubt the Steelers are going to win the Superbowl again! Yo dudo que los Steelers gane el Superbowl otra vez
O-¡Ojalá!-to hope, to pray, to wish Ojalá que gane la lotería. I sure pray I win the lottery. Ojalá que no tengamos escuela mañana. I hope that we don’t have school tomorrow.