Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional ALMA CAY 11/02/04MADRID1 Cryogenic Amplifiers for the Band 7 and Band 9 Cartridges Juan Daniel Gallego
Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional ALMA CAY 11/02/04MADRID2 Work Package(s) Description DEVELOPMENT: design and development of cryogenic amplifiers for the Band 7 and Band 9 Cartridges. including laboratory testing, manufacture of prototypes, and support of design reviews. Deliverables: (10) Band 7 and (2) Band 9 cryogenic amplifier prototype units PRE-PRODUCTION: fabrication, assembly, testing, delivery and support of (32) Band 7 and (16) Band 9 cryogenic amplifier pre-production units (8 antennas). BAND 7 IF: 4-8 GHz BAND 9 IF: 4-12 GHz
Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional ALMA CAY 11/02/04MADRID3 Goals Provide Cryogenic IF amplifiers to ESO for the two European Cartridges. Band 7 (IRAM) and Band 9 (NOVA) Obtain State of the Art performance (InP HEMT devices): –Wide instantaneous band (4-8 and 4-12 GHz) –Low noise –Limited power dissipation –Low gain fluctuations –High reliability Produce and Test the amplifiers within schedule
Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional ALMA CAY 11/02/04MADRID4 Problems InP HEMTs procurement ESO responsibility. Needed soon (June 2004!) –Founding for development in Europe (ETH, Franhofer) needed. –HRL? –TRW? Amplifier Specifications under discussion –Highly dependant on InP HEMTs Complexity of contracts similar to space projects Development done with OAN-IGN founds (contract for development and pre-production in preparation)
Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional ALMA CAY 11/02/04MADRID5 Problems: COST Initially (agreement): 1382 Keuro for both work packages. Present Draft Contract: 340 Keuro (covers development and pre-production units for 8 antennas) Estimated cost for production units: 4 Keuro/unit Total cost (pre-production + production): 6 4=1684 Keuro Extra cost: 22% Estimation assumes: –No spares –No changes in receiver configuration (number of amplifiers)
Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional ALMA CAY 11/02/04MADRID6 Present Status Band 7 amplifiers (4-8 GHz): –Design done (TRW+ETH InP HEMTs) –10 prototype units built and delivered to IRAM, NOVA –No payment received yet. Band 9 amplifiers (4-12 GHz) –Design not finished yet –2 prototype units to be delivered (May 2004?)
Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional ALMA CAY 11/02/04MADRID7 Present Status Lab equipment: –Dedicated Noise Figure Meter received –Dedicated Cryostat in construction (to be received in March 2004) –Dedicated Vector Network Analyzer to be bought in 2004 –Wire bonding machine to be bought in 2004 Industrial production –TTI (Santander), (other companies already contacted) –Contract to be signed with IRAM for production of 56 amplifiers –Experience with this contract could be used for ALMA
Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional ALMA CAY 11/02/04MADRID8 YCA 2000 (4-8 GHz)
Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional ALMA CAY 11/02/04MADRID9 YCA 2000 (4-8 GHz)
Centro Astronómico de Yebes Observatorio Astronómico Nacional ALMA CAY 11/02/04MADRID10 Results expected by end 2004 Contract for Development and Pre-production signed with ESO Specifications for band 7 and band 9 clarified InP devices for contract (300) acquired by ESO and delivered to OAN Band 9 amplifiers (4-12 GHz) design done, 2 prototypes delivered Measurement Cryostat finished and tested Dedicated Vector Network Analyzer acquired Dedicated Wire Bonding Machine acquired