Handy Body Vocab 1 The Body With Mr. Angry Potato Head?
I am Mr. Angry Potato Head and today we are going to talk about body parts! I have...
A head Une tête Yes, I’m very clever!
A belly Un ventre Mine is a bit too fat.
A back Un dos
I wish I had…
Shoulders Des épaules
A neck Un cou
Legs Des jambes Yeah, I have legs!
Feet Des pieds Oh no, I don’t want such big feet!
Aaaaah, they’re awful!!! And toes! Et des orteils!
Arms Des bras Yoo-hoo!!!
Hands Des mains
And fingers! Des doigts! Aaaah, I’m a monster!!
Where are all my new body parts now?! Well, go to part 2 to learn more...