Www.istas.ccoo.es Right to a healthy workplace 03/11/2013 Tatiana Santos.


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Presentation transcript:

Right to a healthy workplace 03/11/2013 Tatiana Santos

2 ISTAS (Union Institute of Work, Environment and Health) is a non-profit, self-managed trade unions technical foundation wich main aim is to promote the improvement of working conditions, occupational health and safety and environmental protection.

3 Chemical risk dimension 30 million of chemical substances in the world Chemicals global production: 1930: 1 million Tn 2007: 400 million Tn 2006 world chemical sales: 1641 billion European market: chemicals chemicals usually used in the workplace

4 Deaths caused by dangerous substances International Labour Organization (ILO); 2 million people die from occupational accidents or work- related diseases. 160 million cases of occupational disease deaths caused by dangerous substances in the workplace 26,217 deaths caused by dangerous substances (EU-15) The latest information from year % of cancer deaths are due to occupational expositions.

5 Trade Unions strategy Action principles Act with an integrated view Precautionary principle Right of information and participation To eliminate is the most effective action More actions and less evaluations Guarantee pollution control Recognice the differences

6 Trade Unions intervention in enterprises Know our rights Know what we are using Inform to your workmates Risk elimination or control Health and environment vigilance Guarantee participation

7 TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Knowing our righs Health Enviroment Participation Information Training

8 TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Knowing what we use There is a general lack of knowledge about the properties and the uses of existing substances. White Paper-Commission Strategy for a Future Chemicals Policy. COM (2001) 88 final, 27 February 2001.

9 TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Knowing what we use substances in the EU ~ a few (or non) toxicity data ~ limited toxicity data 2500 HPVC (>1000 tn/year)

10 TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Knowing what we use Very high concern substances: 1500 carcinogens and mutagens 1500 toxics for reproduction 3000 sensitazers 1300 neurotoxics 1500 endocrine disrupters 400 PBT and/or POP

11 TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Eliminating the risk To avoid the risk is an employer obligation Council Directive 89/391/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work. Council Directive 98/24/EC on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at work. Council Directive 90/394/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens at work (Sixth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)

12 TRADE UNION INTERVENTION Recognizing the differences Biologic differences Specific patologies Maternity Gender uniquality in public health Habits Double exposition: work + home Social, cultural and psicological differences

13 ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Risctox The data base allows to do consultations introducing the substance name or anyone of its identification numbers (CAS, CE/EINECS) in a general finder, or consulting the listings of risks or norm that is included.

14 ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Risctox Substance identification and classification

15 ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Risctox Specific risks

16 ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Alternatives

17 ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Assess and compare what you use Insert your product:

18 ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Assess and compare what you use Evaluate your product;

19 ISTAS WORK: Online Tools: Assess and compare what you use Choose between two products to compare;

20 ISTAS WORK: Promoting substitution Substitution of trichloroethylene: Trichloroethylene is commonly use in asphalt quality control laboratories as a solvent. It is an irritant, carcinogen, mutagen, endocrine disruptor and neurotoxic substance. PBT, POP, air and water pollutant, climate change precursor, ozone depleyer, creator of troposferic ozone and hazardous for aquatic organisms.

21 ISTAS WORK: Promoting substitution Substitution of trichloroethylene: ISTAS proposed the use of an incineration oven to avoid the use of trichloroethylene. The success of this alternative made possible the substitution of trichloethylene in several spanish laboratories.

22 ISTAS WORK: Promoting substitution Improvements with the substitution of trichloroethylene: Avoid the solvents use Avoid the workers exposition Reduction of the essays time Elimination of residues management costs Avoid the need of protection masks and gloves Improvement in the workers security and health Normative compliment Reduction of risks costs Growthin the enterprise image and labour relationship

23 REACH, for the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals.

24 Thank you!!!! Tatiana Santos ISTAS-CCOO