Calentamiento: Find these notes on Prepositions and the Verb Estar in your notebooks. If you don’t have them/can’t find them, you will have to take them again today!
Preposition Poem Izquierda, derecha Delante, detrás Cerca, lejos ¡Y algo más! Afuera, adentro Entre, arriba Al lado, debajo Enfrente, encima Y ahora, ustedes, se acabó la rima.
Prepositions of Location
Izquierda to the left
Derecha to the right
Delante in front
Detrás behind
Cerca close, near
Lejos far
¡y algo más!
Afuera outside
Adentro inside
Entre in between
Arriba above
Al lado next to
Enfrente facing
Debajo under, underneath, below
Encima on top of
y ahora, ustedes, se acabó la rima. And now, y’all, the poem is over.
The Verb ESTAR OEOEstar = to be OSOState of being – I am taking notes. My leg is broken. OEOEmotion – I am happy! You are angry. OLOLocation – The couch is in the living room. You are in class. OFOFeeling – I am sick. We are excited for vacation! ONONot to be used for ODODescription – The couch is blue. Origin – I am from NC. OCOCharacteristic – My mom is smart. OTOTime – It is 2 o’clock. Occupation – I am a student. ORORelationship – Juan is my brother. OSOSetting – The party is at my house!
The Present Tense of Estar estoyestamos estásestáis estáestán The accent marks are NECESSARY for phonetic purposes. Don’t forget them!!