**Ser and Estar **Description words Mrs. Martinez 22 de octubre de 2012
Ser and Estar Pattern: Ser and Estar both mean “to be,” but they have fundamental differences. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
The Basics Ser is generally used to describe what a noun is (essential characteristics). Estar is generally used to describe how a noun is (condition). MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
Example It is useful to have two ways of saying “to be.” Consider this English sentence: The tomato is green. This sentence could mean one of two things: –The tomato is of a variety that produces tomatoes that are green in color. –The tomato is not ripe.
This situation is avoided in Spanish because if the verb Ser is used, we know that the speaker means that it is a green variety of tomato. On the other hand, if the verb estar is used, we can safely say that the tomato is simply not ripe. Here are the two sentences in Spanish: El tomate es verde. (The tomato is green in color.) El tomate está verde. (The tomato is unripe.) MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
Conjugation To further complicate matters, ser and estar are both irregular verbs. In the case of ser, you must simply memorize the different forms. Here are the present tense conjugations of ser: MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
7 yo tú él / ella / Ud. nosotros vosotros ellos / ellas / Uds. SER – “to be” soy eres es somos sois son MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
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SER is used to express: characteristics –¿Cómo son los autobuses? –Los autobuses son cómodos. –¿Cómo es la chica? –La chica es muy guapa y bastante inteligente. –Yo soy inteligente. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
SER is used to express: time –¿Qué hora es? –Son las dos. day –¿Qué día es hoy? –Hoy es lunes. date –¿Cuál es la fecha? –Es el 31 de diciembre. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
SER is used to express: Nationality/origin –¿De dónde eres? –Soy de México. –Soy mexicano. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
SER is used to express: Occupation/Religion –¿Que es Maria? –María es asistente de vuelo. –Nosotros somos cristianos. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
SER is used to express: possession –¿De quién es la flor? –Es de Juana. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
SER is used to express: Relationships –Jose es el esposo de Teresa. –Ellos son primos de Rebeca. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
SER is used to express: Events –La reunion es en la sala de conferencias. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
Las formas del verbo estar (to be) MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
ESTAR P lace L ocation A ction C ondition E motion MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials. For how you feel or where you are, always use the verb ESTAR!
ESTAR is used to express: Location/Place –¿Dónde estás? –Estoy en la clase de español. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
ESTAR is used to express: Action –Ellos están tocando los instrumentos. –El está bailando a la musica
ESTAR is used to express: Condition –¿Quién está ausente? –Patricia está ausente. –¿Puedo usar el teléfono? –No, la línea está ocupada. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
ESTAR is used to express: Emotion –¿Cómo estás? –Estoy mal. –Estamos muy enfermos. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
Remember Note: The use of ser or estar can change the meaning of a sentence. Here are some examples: Patricia es aburrida. (Patricia is boring.) Patricia está aburrida. (Patricia is bored.) MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
As you can see, the use of the verb ser implies what they are, and the use of estar implies how they currently are or currently seem. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
Práctica 1. ¿Quién está muy confundida? a. Yolanda es muy confundida. b. Yolanda estoy muy confundida. c. Yolanda esté muy confundida. d. Yolanda está muy confundida. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
2. Yo estás feliz. a. correct b. incorrect MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
3. ________ las dos y veinte. a. Es b. Son c. Está d. Están MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
4. The clock is on the wall. a. El reloj estás en la pared. b. El reloj estuvo en la pared. c. El reloj es en la pared. d. El reloj está en la pared MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
5. ¿Dónde están las flores? a. Las flores es sobre la mesa. b. Las flores están sobre la mesa. c. Las flores son sobre la mesa. d. Las flores ser sobre la mesa. MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
abierto MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials. agradecido (a) cerrado hermoso
clean MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials. cómodo cómico confundido(a) chistoso
MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials. fiel sucio tonto divertido
¿Cómo es? Es fácil. Es difícil = ? MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
generoso duro dificil trabajador
MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials. honesto amable perezoso viejo
pobre egoista tímido (a) suave especial
estudioso verdadero sabio joven MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
Práctica 1. Elías es muy tímido. a. shy b. short c. tall d. talkative MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
2. Los estudiantes no hicieron la tarea. Son muy ____________. a. egoístas b. jóvenes c. suaves d. perezosos MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
3. Miriam fue a visitar una ciudad muy __________. Las personas no tienen casas. a. pobre b. trabajador c. suave d. generosa MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
4. Cuando una persona es vieja, se cree que es más ______________. a. egoísta b. joven c. sabia d. perezosa MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.
Kmail ymail.com Office Hours: –Tuesday and Thursdays –2:30 to 3:30 MLII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on new and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials.