Global Water Systems and Adaptive Water Management Developed within the framework of the European and Asian Academic Networks in the Field of Environmental science (LEANES) for the online module Climate Change dr Ansje Löhr Environmental Sciences, School of Science Open Universiteit, The Netherlands
dr Ad van Dommelen - director SENSE Development of a chapter Global Water Systems and Adaptive Water Management and case study on the Millingerwaard – 1 ECTS The LEANES project led by Trinity College Dublin, in cooperation with partnership with the University of Eastern Finland and the Netherlands Research school for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment (SENSE) dr Ad van Dommelen - director SENSE dr Ansje Löhr: Environmental Sciences School of Science, Open University of The Netherlands Ir Catharien Terwisscha van Scheltinga: Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre prof dr Carolien Kroeze, Environmental Systems Analysis Group, Wageningen University & School of Science, Open University of The Netherlands
Why the Open Universiteit, the Netherlands? Mission Open Universiteit develops, provides and promotes innovative higher distance education of top quality, in collaboration with networks and alliances. As the prime university for lifelong learning, it addresses the wide-ranging learning needs of people during their course of life, plus the need to achieve a considerable upgrade of the knowledge level of the society at large. high-quality distance education at academic level expert in educational development and innovation collaboration in networks and alliances the university for lifelong learning
And the School of Science? Bachelor and Master programme in Environmental Sciences - natural sciences at the core - programmes aim to train broadly oriented environmental scientists. competence of academic professionals to think, communicate, learn and collaborate across boundaries we call ‘transboundary competence’ higher education for sustainable development should provide learning environments in which these transboundary competences can be developed Bachelor en master bieden: een brede basis met geïntegreerde natuurwetenschappen een bacheloropleiding met keuze uit drie majors: natuurwetenschappen, beleid of gezondheid flexibiliteit bij het invullen van leerstof en mogelijkheden tot maatwerk de vaardigheid om natuurwetenschappelijke en maatschappijwetenschappelijke kennis te combineren de kennis en vaardigheid om informatietechnologie te hanteren en samen te werken in multidisciplinair teamverband virtuele cursussen en innovaties: virtuele klas (begeleiden op afstand) virtueel milieuadviesbureau (VMAB) innovatieprojecten: European Virtual Seminar on Sustainable Development Virtueel Milieuadviesbureau ALFA-project: een virtuele noord-zuid dialoog Begeleiden op afstand virtuele klas Ontwikkeling van internationale stages
Global Water Systems and Adaptive Water Management – 1 ECTS The LEANES on-line module on Climate Change developed primarily for Asian higher institutions and students and has therefore an international focus. Examples from several places around the world A focus on the Netherlands and in particular the Millingerwaard: a part of the Rhine river basin. The chapter: provides student with theoretical background and exercises and feedback are given case study provides students with a practical example of adaptive water management in the Millingerwaard, an area in the Rhine river basin.
Chapter Global Water Systems and Adaptive Water Management “Students reflect on own home situation” 1. Global water use: Global change Ecosystem services “Examples like Aral Sea with video’s/ websites/ papers” 2 Global water cycle 2.1 Major water types “exercises with feedback” 2.2 The hydrological cycle 3. Climate change and the water cycle 3.1 Observed climate changes “Video: David Attenborough on human induced climate change” IPCC, 2007
3.2 Impact on Global Freshwater system; trends for the future 3.3 Climate scenarios 4. River basins River basin hydrology The Dutch Delta “read “Science News” article: How Does Climate Change Affect The Water Cycle? “study IPCC models for Africa and Europe: temperature and precipitation in 1980 to 1999 & 2080 to 2099” “find in the Water resources e-Atlas: Ganges, Rhine and Mississippi” “Read the following news item and make a list of expected changes for the Rhine. How does this relate to the KNMI’06 scenarios? Rhine river discharge could fall by 30% in this century 12 Jun 2009 Unit: Wageningen UR” Dutch KNMI’06 climate scenarios
Adaptive Water Management 5. Integrated and adaptive water management 6. Policies on water management “UN Decade ‘Water for life” “United Nations Millennium Development Goals” “European Water Framework Directive” “National Policies: The Dutch Program Room for the River” 7. Stakeholder analysis Link to other study programmes; “EU NeWater Curriculum Adaptive Water Management” A. High importance, low influence B: High importance, high influence C: Low importance, low influence D: Low importance, high influence Multiple stakeholder platforms Importance/influence matrix Semi structured interviews
Case study Millingerwaard The Rhine river - The Millingerwaard – the Netherlands Lowering of floodplains as a measure to increase water storage “Room for the River”. In the chapter the students already studied: - Climate change in the Rhine basin Room for the River policy KNMI scenario’s Adaptive water management in the Millingerwaard
Multimedia in the case study Millingerwaard made by Open Universiteit Stakeholders involved in the Millingerwaard Nature development Dr. Johan Bekhuis – nature development and room for the river project in the Millingerwaard (0 – 3:37) Policy Drs. Marianne Schuurmans – Major of Millingen aan de Rijn Agriculture Zeger Stappershoef – Farmer and chairman of the land reform (0 – 2:16)
More information Open Universiteit - School of Science: Multimedia - Skills labs project: SENSE: Wageningen University: Thank you! 谢谢!