Do Now – 19 de noviembre 2014 Write a detailed sentence for each picture en español.
Las Noticias Pick up your Thanksgiving To-Go Meal on Friday, from 1pm-4pm in the Gymnasium. – Kroger is sponsoring 1 meal/student at REHS! – Thanks Kroger! Also, come sign petition to have REHS stay in Shelby County Schools, not Green Dot! Can sign on Friday, when pick up meal. Boys Basketball Game a las 7 en el gimnasio contra Overton
Honors – Pasa la tabla Grupos de 4-5
Describe la comida…
Describe esta ensalada de pasta…
Describe la cena…
Sandiches calientes vs. sandwiches frios
Exit Ticket Pick which type of sandwiches you like, based on the menu shown, and provide reasoning as to why and why you do not like the other option Write as many sentences as you can, using transition words, describing words, and details
Ejemplo de las ensaladas Prefiero las ensaladas de frutas mas que las ensaladas de verduras porque las frutas son muy deliciosas y ricas. Ademas, no me gusta muchas de las verduras con las cebollas ni los tomates. Las ensaladas de frutas son buena para ti y son dulces y ricos. Mis frutas favoritas son las fresas, la piña, las uvas verdes y el melón.
Sandiches calientes vs. sandwiches frios
Jueves y viernes Class will be in Computer Lab, Room. 207 You will be completing a project over the two days, and ing your final version to me by the end of class Friday Directions will be printed and in the computer lab, as well as on the class website Be good and do well! If I get good reports from Ms. Thompson, we will play Kahoot again next week or the week after Thanksgiving (b/c we only have 2 days) – Students whose names are given to me as misbehaving will have to sit out from playing Kahoot.
El proyecto de accion de gracias Project Goal: – Create a menu for Thanksgiving, based on Hispanic foods – Explore new foods, meals and traditions – Compose 2 reviews on your meal, using your newly learned vocabulary combined with previous knowledge
Day 1 Each student will find 5 dishes to serve as part of Thanksgiving Meal… – Appetizer, Vegetables, main entrée, dessert and drink. – All of Hispanic heritage. Create full Menu for Thanksgiving evening meal. – Format into same font and make a creative display Ingredient list of what they need to shop for. (Recipe of each portion of meal)
Day 2 Using transition words and details write two positive reviews of the dishes that are on your menu, in order to encourage others to eat your Thanksgiving meal Be creative and use your own words! Complete final edits and formatting of your Thanksgiving Menu Add a title page w/ a picture of the entrée, your Spanish name, class hour, and date.
Project Points/Due Dates Due by End of Class Friday If you do not finish, I expect to see an from you this weekend, and you will lose points for it being late If you miss a day, it is on you to make it up. All instructions posted online and in class.